KPA rack version...any news?

  • Why a rack if you can have a better looking head?
    Get a hard case for gigging.
    We will soon have tour cases available that can be placed onto your 4x12 cabinet. Lift the upper case cover and you're done. Definetly looks more amp-like.

    Ok if I understand correctly, no one knows if this version rack there will never be, and based on this reply of Mr. CK means that he has no intention of producing any rack version.
    ?( So...How to conclude this Thread? ?(

    Dear Mr. Kemper, please ... might deliver us from this heavy doubt? :)

    Since I do work with music, I would avoid losing time and money, for the second time with the KPA
    ... how to say ... nothing personal, only business :D

  • Buy a 4U rack, a rack tray, drill 4 holes in it in correspondance of the feet of the KPA, remove them and screw the KPA on the tray. Now you have rackmounted the Kemper....where is the issue? ?(;)

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Is there anything that you cannot do with the KPA as it is?
    Why would you "loose" money?

    I am referring to not being able to make a decision regarding the purchase of a new KPA because there is no information about the rack version. This for me is a waste of time in the organization of my work. Obviously no one forces me to use the KPA in my work, but as everywhere people talk about how the KPA facilitates and speeds up the work in the studio and live, I would stupid not to get interested in this.
    With my first KPA my work has been blocked because it does not work properly (I'd rather not go into details), now I lose time because I do not want to buy another gear and discover tomorrow that came out a new rack version KPA :)

  • Buy a 4U rack, a rack tray, drill 4 holes in it in correspondance of the feet of the KPA, remove them and screw the KPA on the tray. Now you have rackmounted the Kemper....where is the issue? ?(;)

    Hi Guitarnet70! nice to meet you here again!
    There is no issue with the radio like box, I like it aesthetically, simply does not meet my needs. I had the KPA for two weeks some time ago, I used it in the studio, in the basament and live with my band.
    since I am a timbre maniac, the KPA (artifact not included) is the ideal tool. the only problem that the 50's style radio unit is nice but does not fit in my sets in studio and live. this means to me, that on the one hand, solve a problem, and on the other hand I create another.
    nothing more than that ... :)

  • they are very sturdy also. :)

    Quite affordable and made in Germany as well. Its their own brand, they sell lots of great value products under their own brands.

    No disrespect to Kempers own offering which im sure will be very nice.

    I havent got a KPA yet at least, i was originally waiting for a rack version, but now i could actually go for the toaster style, ( starting to like it) possibly with the add on built in amp as long as the effect section is much improved with more effects (octave, whammy, slicer mainly) and much control (midi CC´s) like in my Boss GT-pro which has circa 500 different CC parameters.

    The main thing is that i want to be able to do everything with just one unit like i do with my GT-pro, its not that i use many effects, i dont, 90% of the time its a dry distorted sound without any effects, but when i need a slicer effect (square modulated tremolo) or whammy its pretty much essential for the song and i would have to use an external effect processor and it wouldnt be as practical as using only one unit or even a rack with two or more units when playing live.