How to navigate through hundreds of 3rd party Rigs. TONE JUNKIE

  • I just bought the tone junkie everything pack and it basically just a bunch of folders with files and names that for the most part I don't understand. Is there a way to audition these in a better way than just dragging random files into my performance one by one?

    also, there wasn't any read me file that I seemed to get with my purchase. Is there any file that breaks down the differences between all these profiles?

    Edited once, last by Amcolan (April 1, 2023 at 3:34 AM).

  • First of all congrats on your purchase! The profiles by HW (Tone Junkie) are really good. The description of the profiles are on his website, there is no read me. It took me a while, but I traced all the original amp names and sorted all the profiles accordingly. It was a bit time consuming, but also very fun to do! I learned a lot about different amps I didn't know before in the process.

  • So I took a slightly different approach. I imported them all using their current folders and even split out the direct and studio profiles. I then try to figure out what amp I am wanting and then look for profiles that are similar. To be honest, it is overwhelming and there is really no easy way to audition each amp profile. Sadly he doesn't provide a description like Michael Britt does which can make it hard to figure out what you are listening to.

    That said, another thing you can do is go on his page and find an amp you are interested in and listen to the demo. Then, load it up and see if it works for you.

  • What folder did you import them into on rig exchange? Did you put it on the local drive?

    When you import it does show the info at that point like the amount of gain?

    I understand I can only auction one at a time but if I could at least see that info and maybe what cab/mic was used that could help narrow my choices.

    So I took a slightly different approach. I imported them all using their current folders and even split out the direct and studio profiles. I then try to figure out what amp I am wanting and then look for profiles that are similar. To be honest, it is overwhelming and there is really no easy way to audition each amp profile. Sadly he doesn't provide a description like Michael Britt does which can make it hard to figure out what you are listening to.

    That said, another thing you can do is go on his page and find an amp you are interested in and listen to the demo. Then, load it up and see if it works for you.

    Edited once, last by Amcolan (April 1, 2023 at 2:49 PM).

  • I had to create the folders manually and it took some time to do (mostly cut and paste) and all of my profiles are stored locally. Once you import a file, you will see what you see on the screen shots above including the gain or whatever other column you want to see (you can add by right clicking on the top bar of the list pane).