Power amp volume adjustement doesn't work anymore (powerhead & passive Kabinet)

  • hey everyone. so i updated the Kemper firmware the other day. Everything was working fine but i had been playing over my studio monitors for a couple of days. So today i switched on the power amp as usual (Output > power amp on) but the volume button doesn't work anymore. I mean the actual button works and i can see the dB adjustment levels change as usual in the popup window and the output section pages .. but the actual volume coming out of the Kabinet stays at a fixed level, which is pretty loud.

    The only thing i can see that changed is that in the little popup window that pops up when i turn the main volume knob there is a little star symbol on the top right in the 'Power Amp' section of the popup. I don't remember seeing that before.

    So is there a setting somwhere that does this, a bug in the latest firmware ( .. or is it a problem with my hardware ? I haven't really changed any settings on the Kemper as far as i remember .. i usually just load a profile, tweak the eq and play.

    any help with this would be much appreciated .. especially by my neighbors ;)


    free you mind and your ass will follow …

    Edited once, last by stickman (March 25, 2023 at 9:18 PM).

  • check if the monitor output link is activated (check-marked) in the output menu. It connects the master volume knob with the monitor/speaker output. You can also control the output levels for each output on the second page of the output menu without using the master volume knob.

  • check if the monitor output link is activated (check-marked) in the output menu. It connects the master volume knob with the monitor/speaker output. You can also control the output levels for each output on the second page of the output menu without using the master volume knob.

    yes i always have it on, but even with it off tit's the same ... also, i can see the volume of the power amp dB level changing, both when i use the monitor output link and the master vol and when using the rotary on the bottom on the ouput page. the volume of the speaker stays fixed.


    free you mind and your ass will follow …

  • try the init globals function on page one of the system menu. It will reset your global settings back to their factory default values. Your rigs and performances will not be altered.

    yay .. that did the trick .. so now the question is what settings did i change to muck this up ^^

    i'm wondering what the little stars in the popup mean since these changed after the init globals.

    before the init only the power amp had a star:

    [Blocked Image: https://i.postimg.cc/3Nv3Z6R0/befor-Init-20230326-171424.jpg]

    after the init all outputs have a star (except the SPDIF which i don't use anyways):

    [Blocked Image: https://i.postimg.cc/NMVgmYgw/after-Init-20230326-171522.jpg]

    PS: not sure what the best way to integrate images here is ? the images apper when i edit my post but are blocked once i save .. not sure why. But the links should work, let me know if they don't.


    free you mind and your ass will follow …

  • ok, maybe just sth went wrong when i updated the OS through rig manager cause it definitely happened after the last update.

    anyways .. so glad it's sorted now and things are back to normal .. and many thx for your quick help on a weekend.

    Enjoy the rest of your sunday :)


    free you mind and your ass will follow …

  • Kemper Support #1

    so i ran into a couple of other issues, although i'm not sure again if this is normal behavior but i have never noticed it before. When i link the headphone, main out and monitor the level adjustment of some of the outputs is erratic. Yesterday i had the issue that i could not adjust the headphone volume from 0 to max, it would top out somewhere in the middle. Today the headphone volume works as expected but the main out and monitor levels don't go past a certain level. Is this normal ? Also at some point you can see that the interface switches out of the Output sectin and goes back to the rig view (where accidentially you can also see that the power amp volume is having the same issues of not going from 0 to max but only starts/stops somewhere in the middle'

    here is a short video showing this, i am turnig the master volume button and you can see that main and monitor don't go to max and go to 0 when i turn the master volume just a bit back. sorry for the bad quality, i hope you can see what i mean ...

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    free you mind and your ass will follow …

    Edited once, last by stickman (March 29, 2023 at 2:22 PM).

  • the master volume knob is trying to preserve the relationship between the output volume levels of the linked outputs.

    If you want it to change the volume equally for all linked outputs you need to set all output levels to the same value before you start turning the master volume knob.