How to configure profiler to send pc to an external Midi device?

  • I want my Profiler to send out PC/CC to my Helix Effects unit. The Helix works out of the box with other midi devices, but after spending around a full day on the Profiler and not getting anywhere, I'd though to ask here. Obviously I searched and read the manual, but it still does not work.

    What I want to achieve is that when I select a profile, that profile sends out a midi PC or CC via the midi out. But I can't get this set up. Midi is on omni, the ui to midi and pedals to midi I tried, I tried assigning specific PC's to a profile, but whatever I do, the Helix does not receive any data. I've tried another external midi receiver with the same results. I'm probably missing a very simple thing somewhere, but I hope someone here has this setup.

    I am trying to get this working in browser mode. Tried Performance mode too, but I prefer to use browser mode.

    What I do notice is that in performance mode in the video's I've seen in the square to the left of the performance name midi channel and midi code is displayed, but in my screen that square is totally black.

    Edit: I did the midi reset option (booting holding quick and selecting tuner. If I then open a performance, the midi channel etc is briefly displayed before the square turns black again.

  • It's solved. Kemper support did a great job. It turned out that:

    1) ONLY Performance mode can send out PC to midi out

    2) In system settings I had not configured the midi device to send out via the midi out

    3) I had a faulty longer cable, tested my other setups with a shorter one and once I was able to hook that up it worked!