Using Kemper as UAD OX: worth it?

  • Hello everyone,

    I have my profiler since 2015.

    I'm quite happy with it, but I was wondering to buy a tube preamp and use it with my effects (Strymon for the most) into Kemper, by using it like the UAD OX.

    Is there anyone who tried to do that?

    Is that worth it?

    Could I find any problem in that?

    Thanks in advance


  • I'm not sure what you're asking.

    An amp profile includes the preamp. So adding a preamp in front of that seems redundant, as well as limiting. You can do it, I just don't know why you'd need to.

    You can also used any effects you want by placing them in front of the input, or in the Profiler's effects loop.

  • Thank you for the answer.

    I only want to use the Kemper as a virtual power amp and cab simulator to record a real rig without tearing down the walls (!).

    The preamp and fx section would be external.

    So the fx would go in the S/R loop, but what about the preamp?

    If I bypass the amp, use an external preamp and put the fx in SR would it work?

    Anyone tried to do that before?

    How are the results?

  • Disabling the amp section takes out what makes a Profiler a Profiler. It's the amp that matters here. If I'm not mistaken, the power amp simulation is *in* the Amp section of the Profiler. Just using the cab section means you'd be going preamp-cabinet with no power amp involved.

    Additionally, you're not going to use the Profiler's effects!?!? So, you'll use the Profiler only for the cab section?

    If anyone has done this, the question is "Why?"

    I mean, yeah. You can do what you're asking. But it's a colossal a waste of money. Like pulling the engine out of a Ferrari and putting something else in. It looks like one, but its not a Ferrari anymore. Enzo Ferrari cared most about his engines. The rest was necessary. Beautiful, but just necessary.

    You'd be much better off with something from Two Notes or similar.

  • The Power Amp section is a major part of any rig. My Triaxis sound like shit on its own but should glorious through a Mesa Power Amp. I have tried four ways of using the Triaxis with varying results.

    1- Triaxis (pre amp) straight to Two Notes IR; sounded totally flat and lifeless.

    2 - Triaxis into Mesa Power Amp then Two Notes IR; sounded good but a ton of gear to set up and lug around.

    3- Triaxis into a Profile of the Mesa Power Amp loaded in the Profiler Amp Section; sounded great but still extra gear to set up and lug around.

    4 - Full profile of Triaxis into Mesa Power Amp; sounded just as good as the full Mesa Rig but is totally self contained so for me it was a no brainer to use the profile and let my Mesa gear collect dust.