Ultimate Newbie Help, Please?

  • Since you are rehabbing still, using the Kemper manually may be a good thing to force you to use your brain a lot. But if it gets to the point you just are going to put it away, I would get a computer next to it and use Rig Manager (RM) to edit and sort thru profiles.

    It is 10 times easier. No bending over spinning knobs. Just you, your mouse, and a large computer monitor. If you are older, like me, it is hard to see the small menu anyway. Nothing like a 27" monitor to let you see everything from far away with a guitar in your lap.



    - You start RM and you are presented with a list of all the profiles in your unit. You can just start clicking on them and playing.

    - After clicking a profile, the editor shows you the signal path from input to output.

    - Clicking on any point in between lets you edit the stomps/amp/cabinet/effects/etc.

    - If you like the edits you made you save the profile.



    A) In this panel you can see every profile available to you.

    -MY PROFILER is all of the profiles stored in the Kemper.

    - LOCAL LIBRARY is an area you can make folders and store profiles on your computer.

    - RIG EXCHANGE is the online list of profiles people have uploaded to the web.

    - RIG PACKS are the Kemper made profile packs. These are free and are great.

    B) This is the list of profiles that are in the PANEL A areas. Double click a profile to play/edit it. You can use arrow keys to move up and down but do not go fast. It takes time to load each one and you can get this messed up.

    C) EDITING - Clicking on any block between INPUT/OUTPUT lets you edit that block. Right-Click the block to get a pop up menu that lets you add stomps/effects at the block location. Edit the parameters for that block with the knobs in the panel below.

    D) When you are all done you can save the changes you just made with these buttons. Their names change so you will need to read them. Usually say something like STORE IN PROFILER.



    - Rig Manager has changed some since this picture was taken.

    - Do not edit profiles in the RIG EXCHANGE window. Copy them to the Kemper or LOCAL LIBRARY area first. You can RIGHT-CLICK a profile to get Copy/Paste options or use the buttons in areas D to store profiles in the Kemper.

    - It is best to make a copy of the profile you are editing before editing so you do not lose the original.

    - I like to make folders in the LOCAL area to keep better organization. It is better to edit profiles in the LOCAL area then copy the finished profile to the Kemper.

    I am a simple man. And Rig Manager is one of the best programs I have ever used for editing guitar units. I love using it and spend just as much time in Rig Manager as actually playing.

  • Well said!!!

    I think the KPA is daunting for anyone who is coming from the Valve world. Arguably its worse coming from the digital world because you spend so long understanding a device only to be faced with a different interface, terminology and fundamental approach. Try moving from Apple to Samsung :)

    I would be agree with you but the example of Teejay proves the opposite.

    In my opinion, it depends on how you're curious and look for things.

    When i read that he had a Helix, i thought, no problem ; he's gonna catch easily Kemper's behavior. But had some doubts when i saw he had to plug his Helix to computer to work on presets.

    I had one, and honestly, it was a very good improvement school for me, but why ? Cause i tried all i could do with this device? i've married it to its little variax sister and powercab plus brother. Pushed everyparameter i could on each device....Read a lot of forums to see which problems others met and how they solved them, etc....

    I've discovered a lot of basics stuffs i should know before ; Where i have to place a volume pedal to obtain more/less gain or if i just want to play on the dB level with the same amount of gain....How reacts a delay before or after the amp....And so on....

    Some analogues guy, already know that...And some digital ones have just changed presets without editing them....

    The other guitarist in my band just bought a Helix LT (exactly the same i had), i've created some presets, i've showed him how to use it, what are snapshots, done the update, etc.... He changes nothing at home or at rehearsal....I don't think he uses snapshots whereas it's an ultimate weapon. I assume he won't go deeper in Helix capabilities....:rolleyes:?(

    It's just a question of approach i think