Kemper Noise problem

  • Hope you get it sorted dude as that type of thing is really frustrating.

    Yeah dude. Im still currently moving things around like moving my kemper far away from my PC and moving my PC far away as possible from me and my guitar. Also trying to move my clarett 4pre away from my HS7s and thinking of possibly getting a new monitor. Also sitting at the other side of my room when i record which is a pain when recording on ya own especialy when having to re-record parts which involves getting up and down multiple times this point im just desperate but ive invested way to much $$$ over the years to just bin it off or give up now. #fingerscrossed

  • Listen to Tester Kemper Jan 23 by ADAM MASSACRE on #SoundCloud Interesting!...So i moved some gear around and recorded some guitar in random spots in my room even outside of my room. On playback i noticed a "Fsss" kinda "Ssss" frequency that jumps on and off my guitar signal like a de-tuned static radio. No alterations have been made anywhere in the chain during the whole recording other than myself moving around in different spots in and out of my room Please tell me im not hearing things lol apologies for irritating you guys again with my posts i feel awful having to be "that guy" im kinda just documenting the process hoping maybe someone may recognise a problem or has any more ideas.

    Thank you again dudes for your eternal patience.


  • Listen to Tester Kemper Jan 23 by ADAM MASSACRE on #SoundCloud Interesting!...So i moved some gear around and recorded some guitar in random spots in my room even outside of my room. On playback i noticed a "Fsss" kinda "Ssss" frequency that jumps on and off my guitar signal like a de-tuned static radio. No alterations have been made anywhere in the chain during the whole recording other than myself moving around in different spots in and out of my room Please tell me im not hearing things lol apologies for irritating you guys again with my posts i feel awful having to be "that guy" im kinda just documenting the process hoping maybe someone may recognise a problem or has any more ideas.

    Thank you again dudes for your eternal patience.


    Hmm, I think I know what you are referring to but:

    1) I think the general guitar sound is great. Very meaty.

    2) Distorted sounds always carry a hiss/over emphasis so there is a good chance any interference is being amplified.

    3) Distorted sounds are...distorted and hence why you use a gate. Gates are not perfect though and only really work when not playing. So when you play, the "normal" hiss will be present. You can try and e.q. it but I think the sound will just become muddier and muddier as it's probably in the upper frequencies

    4) I think because you are focused on it, you keep hearing it. I didn't notice it until I re-read your post, listened out for it and thought...ohh, there it is...otherwise I wouldn't have noticed anything unusual

    5) I think because its isolated guitar, its going to show up stuff more than in context

    I'm only a guitar player ( ha!) so not got the experience of a sound engineer and therefore what would be "ok" in a recorded session but on balance it sounds normal to me.

    Your background hiss always varies when you move as some interference always sneaks in and this will be impacted often by where your guitar is, so that isn't surprising to me.

    Hope that helps...

  • yeah the profile itself is brutal its the alien thats jumped in the signal within that profile i dont like that is driving me bonkers lol you can hear it at 0.39 jump from the profile to glitch profile. Im gonna keep moving things around and see what i can come up with

  • UPDATE!! So another big shift around of gear and i THINK im getting closer to a resolve. My kemper now has its own plug on the other side of my room my audio interface is no longer on my desk near my HS7s or tv monitor and my PC is pushed way back into the corner of my room as far away as i can get it within my rooms specs from everything. When i record i sit back from my desk as an attempt to not get any interference from my monitors or tv monitor into my pickups. I also angle myself away from the speaker monitors and Tv monitor and have found as a result of this a huge reduction in interference combined with a gate i currently finding that sweet spot.

    Im gonna test out a few recordings over the next few days and post an update soon...if you guys dont mind of course.

    Thank you again for NOT completely banning me from this wonderful forum with my tantrums through the years.

    I feel a resolve coming soon.


  • UPDATE!! So another big shift around of gear and i THINK im getting closer to a resolve. My kemper now has its own plug on the other side of my room my audio interface is no longer on my desk near my HS7s or tv monitor and my PC is pushed way back into the corner of my room as far away as i can get it within my rooms specs from everything. When i record i sit back from my desk as an attempt to not get any interference from my monitors or tv monitor into my pickups. I also angle myself away from the speaker monitors and Tv monitor and have found as a result of this a huge reduction in interference combined with a gate i currently finding that sweet spot.

    Im gonna test out a few recordings over the next few days and post an update soon...if you guys dont mind of course.

    Thank you again for NOT completely banning me from this wonderful forum with my tantrums through the years.

    I feel a resolve coming soon.


    Great! What is interesting is that this is a generic noise problem so should not be unique to the Kemper.

    In other words, the KPA is not particularly susceptible to noise - in fact a couple of times in my band, the other guitarist experience more interference problems with his Helix than I do ( note that is not necessarily because of his helix as he has a different wireless etc.). Did you ever experience this before with any other solution or is the first time you have had a recording set up like this?

    I use amplitube plug in at home ( not my KPA), which I also get some noise so I think its frustratingly normal :)

    Really pleased you are making progress..

  • Great! What is interesting is that this is a generic noise problem so should not be unique to the Kemper.

    In other words, the KPA is not particularly susceptible to noise - in fact a couple of times in my band, the other guitarist experience more interference problems with his Helix than I do ( note that is not necessarily because of his helix as he has a different wireless etc.). Did you ever experience this before with any other solution or is the first time you have had a recording set up like this?

    I use amplitube plug in at home ( not my KPA), which I also get some noise so I think its frustratingly normal :)

    Really pleased you are making progress..

    Yeah its to be expected a bit of noise with a high gain amp/profile i think my problem is more so electrical interference. Ive never had any other setup other than my previous setups where my gear was kinda clumped up together around my desk due to lack of space. Ive since had a big clean out in my room and removed so many extension plugs and lamps etc. I used my guitar on a high gain profile to act like a Giga Meter (Ghostbusters) where i would hold it up and walk towards stuff to see where the noises came from lol anything that buzzed that wasnt needed was completely removed. My PC was a BIG noise maker quite possibly the main culprit for that "Fizz Glitch" ive been battling for tv created a bit of a buzz too and my monitors so they all got moved around.

    I now sit around 1 to 2 metres away from my desk and turn away slightly from my desk when recording and there is indeed a big difference.

    Like i say im still testing out stuff but it feels positive.

    I still had that weird incident of powering up my kemper strumming a profile that sounds odd and then having to skip to the next profile and back to the other one for it to be the actual profile...strange.

    #progress 👊😊

  • Great! What is interesting is that this is a generic noise problem so should not be unique to the Kemper.

    In other words, the KPA is not particularly susceptible to noise - in fact a couple of times in my band, the other guitarist experience more interference problems with his Helix than I do ( note that is not necessarily because of his helix as he has a different wireless etc.). Did you ever experience this before with any other solution or is the first time you have had a recording set up like this?

    I use amplitube plug in at home ( not my KPA), which I also get some noise so I think its frustratingly normal :)

    Really pleased you are making progress..

    That's been my experience as well. Other guitar players I play with have much more noise issues than I do with the KPA and my guitars that have been modified to be as immune as possible to outside noise.