Use the same effect, e.g., compressor, for all rigs and without assigning it to a footswitch?

  • Kemper Profiler powered head, with latest version.

    I pretty much use a compressor for all my rigs, and is usually the first effect in the lineup. And I like to set it up so one can barely tell it's there, but tweak it on a given song or venue. Two questions.

    • How can I set up a compressor, set it once, store it, then re-use it as the first effect in a lineup in any rig? Almost like a universal effect.
    • How can I use the compressor in a rig without assigning it to an on/off button since it will always on for me. However, I may want to tweak it for different gigs so I will need it accessible and controllable with knobs. (I'm able to do this on my Line 6 Pod HD500X, so hopefully I can do it in the Kemper)


  • Two options.

    1 - set it the way you want it then drag it from the editor to the Presets folder in Rig Manager. Now you have a preset that you can re use by dragging and dropping into any Rig you want.

    2 - with the compressor set how you want it lock it. Now it will stay in the same state in every rig. If you just want to use it as a way to set up new rigs quickly you can lock it the set up a new rig. Store the rig and unlock it again.

    You have to decide what effects you want linked to each footswitch. Nothing is automatically assigned so you can easily have any Fx always on without using up one of the footswitches.