Pro Tools LE or MBox is distorting my KPA tone!

  • I was not able to use my KPA through my computer for the first week that I had my KPA
    Fortunately I purchased it through Sweetwater and they have free tech help.
    The tech did a remote session with my iMac and was able to get me running through Pro Tools if create a track and hit the record enable button.
    When I do that I hear the KPA through the Monitors.
    However, there is a problem with the sound being crackly and distorted as if I am playing through cracked speakers.
    I compared that sound with running the KPA directly into the JBL Monitors, which has pristine tone.
    I am a novice with Pro Tools but I checked all the volume slides to try to limit any clipping, etc. But, to no avail.

    I will call Sweetwater again if needed, but if anyone has some experience with this issue, I would certainly appreciate your assistance.

    Thank you,


  • Here's an update on the issues.

    Last night I used Pro Tools LE to play and record my KPA. I noticed the clipping lights turning red on my MBox, so I turned down the Master Volume on the KPA. It worked!
    I was able to record myself on ProTools with a multi-track recording using multiple rigs, and I was very pleased.
    There's a lot more that I don't know than what I do know, but at least, I'm on my way.

    Thanks to everyone who helped me.

  • not sure if that is the "answer". If you have two cables running out and they are not stereo then its possibly you have two similar signals going in. This would double the volume and cause distortion. Read up on what those cables are. You want the stereo input (if you want stereo) and you also want to ensure that the stereo channels are panned left and right. If you are not doing stereo there should only be one cable required.

  • not sure if that is the "answer". If you have two cables running out and they are not stereo then its possibly you have two similar signals going in. This would double the volume and cause distortion. Read up on what those cables are. You want the stereo input (if you want stereo) and you also want to ensure that the stereo channels are panned left and right. If you are not doing stereo there should only be one cable required.

    Two analog cables running out from the KPA, whether they be XLR or TS, are left and right mono signals.

    I run two XLR to my duet 2. It comes into Logic pretty hot if the KPA master volume is too high. Sounds like OP may have found his solution.