Tube Power Amp Simulation on Monitor Out

  • As the title says - I think it would be really useful to have an algorithm On/Off switchable on the monitor out which simulates the behaviour of a tube power amp. Very few parameters would be ok - like frequency response and tube compression. I think everyone would benefit from it since most people are running the KPA with a SS Poweramp - just something that gives it a little more depth and growl and removes the mid flatness when running into a SS PA. I am running it right now with a very cheap SS PA for on stage monitoring (while the main out is feeding the FOH) and it surely would be nice to not have to shell out the cash for a super duper high end PA and still get a little more oommpphh and feel out of the Monitor out. It's ok like it is now I think (especially after the last Software Update with the added midrange) but adding a few parameters like mentioned above would be just perfect for me....

  • Using DI profiles made with a power soak could be a solution for you. This way you could still use the advance parameters of the Cab section

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Well, like I said when I am using the KPA Live I feed the Main Out to FOH and use Monitor Out into SS PA into 4x12 for monitoring on stage (+ the regular Wedges on stage) so no DI Profiles for me. Besides I already profiled all my sounds for Live Use. I think in general most people might use a setup like this when playing Live with the KPA and adding a little bit more depth/tube power amp behaviour software wise to the Monitor Out would be a real cool feature I think...

  • As the title says - I think it would be really useful to have an algorithm On/Off switchable on the monitor out which simulates the behaviour of a tube power amp. Very few parameters would be ok - like frequency response and tube compression. I think everyone would benefit from it since most people are running the KPA with a SS Poweramp - just something that gives it a little more depth and growl and removes the mid flatness when running into a SS PA. I am running it right now with a very cheap SS PA for on stage monitoring (while the main out is feeding the FOH) and it surely would be nice to not have to shell out the cash for a super duper high end PA and still get a little more oommpphh and feel out of the Monitor out. It's ok like it is now I think (especially after the last Software Update with the added midrange) but adding a few parameters like mentioned above would be just perfect for me....

    The Monitor EQ is what you should try.
    The added mid range can be compensated there, if needed.
    I have added it to the sound, since a number of beta testers have tended to add midrange on the Monitor EQ, so in average the sound will be more pleasant now.
    Feel free to modify the sound to your needs by the Monitor EQ.

  • The Monitor EQ is what you should try.
    The added mid range can be compensated there, if needed.
    I have added it to the sound, since a number of beta testers have tended to add midrange on the Monitor EQ, so in average the sound will be more pleasant now.
    Feel free to modify the sound to your needs by the Monitor EQ.

    I am of course already using the Monitor Out EQ and found since the last update I need it alot less compared to before the update. What I miss is simply a little bit of depth and colour running the KPA MO into SS PA. Like I said, it's ok as it is (in my setup) and I only need the Monitor Out for on stage monitoring. It would be kinda the icing on the cake for me though.

    BTW, are there any news concerning the KPA Power Amp Modul? Maybe that would solve that issue all together....

  • As the title says - I think it would be really useful to have an algorithm On/Off switchable on the monitor out which simulates the behaviour of a tube power amp. Very few parameters would be ok - like frequency response and tube compression. I think everyone would benefit from it since most people are running the KPA with a SS Poweramp - just something that gives it a little more depth and growl and removes the mid flatness when running into a SS PA. I am running it right now with a very cheap SS PA for on stage monitoring (while the main out is feeding the FOH) and it surely would be nice to not have to shell out the cash for a super duper high end PA and still get a little more oommpphh and feel out of the Monitor out. It's ok like it is now I think (especially after the last Software Update with the added midrange) but adding a few parameters like mentioned above would be just perfect for me....

    Very good idea +1 :thumbup:

  • I know that many would feel great with some more parameters with esotheric names, and the Profiler would gain some "profile" but I am honest to you: There is no need for additional parameters there.
    The vast majority of the profiles have passed a tube power amp. The characteristic sound and dynamic is captured in every profile, even when you play it by the Monitor Output with Cap Off.

    How would aditional compression improve the sound? What do you expect? It limits the dynamics. Is that really what you need?

  • Looking for depth with a SS PA is the issue IMO.

    Not all, the Matrix are excellent, but they are made for it. IMHO the OP need a different power amp to achieve what he's expecting...An additional Eq/Comp will not overcome the limitation of that amp

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I know that many would feel great with some more parameters with esotheric names, and the Profiler would gain some "profile" but I am honest to you: There is no need for additional parameters there.
    The vast majority of the profiles have passed a tube power amp. The characteristic sound and dynamic is captured in every profile, even when you play it by the Monitor Output with Cap Off.

    How would aditional compression improve the sound? What do you expect? It limits the dynamics. Is that really what you need?

    Believe me the last thing I want is the Kemper to become a nerdy guitar tool like the Axe for example. I love the straight forward approach of the Kemper and the real logical concept and usability. To me in my testings in the studio it was just obvious that a tube power amp gave a much greater feel and response than a SS know, it was just an idea....
    I could mimic the frequency response much better with the graphic or studio eq in Slot X so the SS gained some more character (a db or so + in the lower midrange at 250-400 and cut a db or two at around 800). Maybe it would be an idea to make that one assignable to monitor out? Since of course assigning it in Slot X will also colour the signal I am sending to the FOH.
    Like I said, I am perfectly happy with the Kemper as it is and I might look into something like the Matrix when I am off for touring more next year but I am still in doubt a SS Amp can give me the low mid growl and depth of tube amp - but I'd be more than happy if that one (or the Kemper PA when it is released) would give me that. Tube PAs are heavy though, that's why I don't want to go there. I just successfully downsized my live rig to the Kemper. How heavy are those Matirx Amps?

  • Not all, the Matrix are excellent, but they are made for it. IMHO the OP need a different power amp to achieve what he's expecting...An additional Eq/Comp will not overcome the limitation of that amp

    Davide, IMHO you are making assumptions out of the air.

    1. The Matrix amps are not specially designed for digital amps, they are specially marketed for this domain. There is no single sonical aspect that I heard of that is specially designed for digital amps. If the Matrix amps are excellent, they will be excellent for any purpose.

    2. If the OP misses depth, it might be the amp. Why? Why not EQ?

    3. What is Depth sonically? Is there a certain technic in an amp that can create or kill depth? Is this what you kill with a compressor?

  • 1. The latest models of Matrix have been specifically developped for use with digital units, in order to simulate and improve the answer of a tube power amp.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I found a guide on the Matrix webside how to setup an EQ to match the frequency responce of a power amp.

    But I could not find a hint on their webside that the Matrix Amps simulate the answer of a tube power amp.
    However if that was the case, I had a number of serious questions. :)

  • I think it´s really weird that people always talk about "the tube sound". The truth is, that every tube power amp sounds very different. If i hook up the KPA to one of my EL34 Marshalls the sound is rather flat, with a great mid crunch that really cuts through. If i hook up the KPA to one of my ENGLs with EL84, the sound get way more scooped, while the midrange is reduced.

    Perhaps it would be interesting to measure and compare the differences, especially in contrast to some solid state power amps. Perhaps this could result in some guidelines how to set your EQ to make it more "tube sounding" if there is such a thing...

    If a bunch of users would agree on a predefined test signal or clip that would be directly fed into the power amp that has a DI BOX between itself and the speaker, you could record the power amp signal and then use an analyzer tool to point out the differences.