
  • I'm maybe not the only one wondering whether to update the latest firmware or not

    could we have an official notice of whether it's OK or is there another one coming soon...

    I'm a little paranoid with all the problems I've just read about concerning booting up after the update etc..



    Leg em down and yackem smackem

  • New software ALWAYS means new bugs.
    There are different ways to find the bugs - btw. complex software is NEVER 100% bug free.

    1) by professional (paid) beta testing from experienced beta testers - (btw. I do something like this for some music companies, as well as in my main job)
    2) Some "beta testing" with volunteers - hoping they have the time and knowledge to find some bugs - and then "public beta testing" = "let the users find the bugs"
    3) Let the software developers find the bugs themselves - this is the worst way and will not work at all

    Kemper choose the second way (or maybe a combination of 2 and 3) - and there are still a lot of bugs in the KPA software.

    There is a 'stable' version 1.1.0 - I would use only this if the KPA must work stable - e.g. for a gig.

    1.1.1 is in "public beta state" so there are likely bugs inside.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • New software ALWAYS means new bugs.
    There are different ways to find the bugs - btw. complex software is NEVER 100% bug free.

    1) by professional (paid) beta testing from experienced beta testers - (btw. I do something like this for some music companies, as well as in my main job)
    2) Some "beta testing" with volunteers - hoping they have the time and knowledge to find some bugs - and then "public beta testing" = "let the users find the bugs"
    3) Let the software developers find the bugs themselves - this is the worst way and will not work at all

    Kemper choose the second way (or maybe a combination of 2 and 3) - and there are still a lot of bugs in the KPA software.

    There is a 'stable' version 1.1.0 - I would use only this if the KPA must work stable - e.g. for a gig.

    1.1.1 is in "public beta state" so there are likely bugs inside.

    Thanks Armin, yes I guess it's the best way to let the users find the bugs, quicker I suspect also... I think I'll wait maybe though until I feel better about updating :)

    Leg em down and yackem smackem

  • Up until about May the updates were released every fortnight as beta firmware and after a certain period some of those would be marked as stable releases. This gave a great sense of progress and also made it so that it wasn't a big deal to skip a FW version or two and just stick with the stable releases if you weren't feeling adventurous.

    Since then though the update cycle has slowed down considerably (the reason we were given was because it needed more thorough beta testing, I've not seen any change in the number or types of bugs that make it through into the releases though that would warrant this), which makes it a little more harrowing a decision making time.

    However the upshot of this is that new cycle seems to be Beta Release->Wait (at first a fortnight, last time a month)->Rig pack + Stable release of last beta version->Wait (similar length of time)->Next beta release. So if you don't desperately need what's in the current update and don't mind waiting then the next update should be a "stable" release version of the current beta (usually with a few additional bug fixes) and you can hop on at that time.

  • Up until about May the updates were released every fortnight as beta firmware and after a certain period some of those would be marked as stable releases. This gave a great sense of progress and also made it so that it wasn't a big deal to skip a FW version or two and just stick with the stable releases if you weren't feeling adventurous.

    Since then though the update cycle has slowed down considerably (the reason we were given was because it needed more thorough beta testing, I've not seen any change in the number or types of bugs that make it through into the releases though that would warrant this), which makes it a little more harrowing a decision making time.

    However the upshot of this is that new cycle seems to be Beta Release->Wait (at first a fortnight, last time a month)->Rig pack + Stable release of last beta version->Wait (similar length of time)->Next beta release. So if you don't desperately need what's in the current update and don't mind waiting then the next update should be a "stable" release version of the current beta (usually with a few additional bug fixes) and you can hop on at that time.

    Thanks, yes I guess I will wait a while... it's all good though.. each update really has improved things each time... still an amazing unit...:)

    Leg em down and yackem smackem