Reaper to send MIDI controls to Kemper

  • So... As I want to be less packed while gigging and rehearsing I want our DAW that we use live, being REAPER, to send midi to my Kemper so I can be more free and not focus too much on my pedalboard. I have been searching quite a bit, but still in a hustle to pint point exactly on how to do this. More over does the midi control differ from MAC - Reaper >< Windows Reaper? I guess not, however, when I did my testing at home with a USB to Midi in/out it appeared to work from my Windows Reaper. How I did it, in a nutshell:

    As you are aware, with Kemper you have performances with each time 5 rigs that go from 0-4 in the first performance, then 5-9 second performance and so on....

    so when I assign to my midi channel "2", slot 1 which is my basic slot I use mostly (I am a rhythm guitar player) and 3 is my low cut. No rocket science, however, ... as we want to have as few equipment as possible on stage (less setup time as well) I want to connect via the Quad Cortex from our Lead Guitar player. This should not be a problem, however, after spending 4 hours, we didn't succeed.

    Luk -- Rhythm Guitar player with October Changes

  • did you set the MIDI output of the QC to work as a MIDI thru port? Any Incoming MIDI Messages will only be forwarded to external devices if the output is set to MIDI thru.

    Yes, but the main pain remains that the control via windows reaper (ProgramChange) does not work on mac, please help.

    Luk -- Rhythm Guitar player with October Changes