wet dry questions my Pink Floyd Tribute

  • I have been using the kemper power head for a few years in bands and am really liking it.

    I have never used it for my Pink Floyd band Atom Heart Mother. I would like to. I am just getting too old to carry my Marshall 1971 50 watt half stack and a wet amp and that huge pedal board/with tape echos, etcetera. There are a few songs where the panning of the wet dry is very dramatic in some of the Dotted 8th stuff, "Run Like Hell", for example.

    Is there any way to pan the dry signal in the Kemper? I would hate to loose that tone as it always gets a great response. I guess I could send a signal to my eventide timeline and then to FOH separately and let our engineer figure it out, but I was hoping there was a way to do it in a patch.

    thanks for all the help in the past with the Kemper.

    Rich Morpurgo

    Here is a clip with my marshall and tape echos and some pedals.

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  • The band sounds great! I am not familiar with ALL of the Comfortably Numb versions, so my next comment might be incorrect. I really like the way you stayed with the general theme of the outro solo, but made it your own. You hit the major markers for that solo and created new licks that explore the minor theme more than the original. Very nice!!!

  • I have nothing to add regarding the actual question really. I just wanted to say that it was a great and I mean really GREAT performance! Loved it! <3

    YNGWIE MALMSTEEN: 'More Is More, Less Is Less. The Idea That Less Is More Is Illogical'