Reamping with the Audient iD14 interface

  • Has anyone managed to make the KPA and the Audient iD14 interface work for reamping? I am struggling big time with it. ||

    Either I get a hideous feedback, or the reamped sound does not quite get all the gain from the KPA, let alone other number of issues. <X

    Here is how the KPA and the Audient iD14 interface are hooked up.


    Edited once, last by Nothisworld (May 11, 2022 at 10:09 AM).

  • I have the same problem...I got the id14 a few weeks ago and did a short attempt reamping but as I remember my problem was that I couldn't get the di signal out through output3 was always present in all outputs... I will try to find the time to get it working...after all the 4 outs was the reason I sold my old id 14 and got the new version2 for reamping.....I'll follow this thread with great interest...hope you get it sorted out.

  • Not using the ID-14 anymore, but about your feedback issue, I think you have to mute the monitoring in the Audient software or you'll have a feedback loop. About the gain difference issue, sorry if this sounds obvious but it's usually a matter of volume going back in. Make sure the tracks you reamp from Logic (and your DAW master volume) goes back into your interface at +/-0 Db. If you lowered the volume of the track or the master volume in your DAW, the gain will be lower. You can watch the Kemper video about reamping, it talks about this and how to compensate with "reamp sense".

  • I remember my problem was that I couldn't get the di signal out through output3 was always present in all outputs...

    This seems to be my problem as well. Feedback blasting everywhere due to this most probably.

    Funnily (not funnily) enough, when I play a song on Spotify this is also "reamped" despite the fact that I am only sending to the KPA a cable off of output 3. This is worrying...

  • About the gain difference issue, sorry if this sounds obvious but it's usually a matter of volume going back in. Make sure the tracks you reamp from Logic (and your DAW master volume) goes back into your interface at +/-0 Db. If you lowered the volume of the track or the master volume in your DAW, the gain will be lower

    I think it's got more to do with what luntho said above that the Audient sends everything to its outputs. Even if you have specifically designated just one track to be outputted to the KPA. But this is only one line of exploration.

    Hopefully will come back with better news.

  • found this clip on YT,

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  • Check out my tutorial and see if you have similar settings...

    I appreciate the help mate, but I think the Audient has somewhat different settings and your guide doesn't apply exactly the same way to those of us with the Audient.

    By the way, how is the Motu working for you? There is a chance that I may still be able to exchange my Audient for the Motu. I'm close to giving up.


  • I appreciate the help mate, but I think the Audient has somewhat different settings and your guide doesn't apply exactly the same way to those of us with the Audient.

    By the way, how is the Motu working for you? There is a chance that I may still be able to exchange my Audient for the Motu. I'm close to giving up.


    I set up the Motu M4 one time and that's it. It works everyday and I never touch it.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.