Clean to overdrive

  • I briefly looked at the patents that I could find. I see a description of a method that employs two linear transfer functions and a non-linearity to create a 'profile'. It seems to me that a post processing algorithm is possible to create an improvement in the gain function across the full range of a set of profiles, but I have not seen mention of this in the patents that I ran across.

    Modeling methods directly account for non-linearities in the amplifier stages. This is one big difference between modelling and profiling. I'm a Kemper owner and use, so I know which method I prefer. The side-effect of these differences might be the behaviour of the gain knob in question.

  • FWIW, I ended up gearing for profiles in the 4 to 4.5 range of gain and then boosting with a stomp and increasing the the gain to around 6 plus other shaping methods for tight high gain while also being able to morph to a still full sounding mostly clean tone un-boosted with a lower gain setting. This was brought upon by never liking reducing high gain profiles for clean tones and increasing clean profiles for tight high gain with the application of either going through a traditional cab or kemper cabs. All in all it was just to see if I could pull this maneuver to my liking. For my band I just use profiles as they are mostly.