SOLVED: No sound out to my Kabinet from powered Profiler.

  • Last week my Kabinet was working fine. Whenever I check on the poweramp on Output page 9, I would here a click inside the profiler and a light audible pop from the kabinet -- which I knew it was on. Today I checked on the poweramp and I heard the click inside the profiler but no "light pop" from the Kabinet and thus no guitar sound. Guitar sound is working fine outputing to my studio monitors from interface. I tried messing around with my volume levels and it seems that now I can get the Kabinet to give a light pop again when the poweramp is on, but this light pop is much quieter than normal. I also hear a hiss from the Kabinet with poweramp engaged but no guitar sound. Hiss is gone with poweramp off. So, I assume the speaker cable is fine.

    Last week I was messing with rig and master volume levels and global EQ settings with the poweramp off. Could I have checked or unchecked something incorrectly?

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Hmmm...

    Sounds strange.

    On page 1 in System there is a funtion called "Init Globals".

    From the manual...

    Unexpected events

    In case any inputs or outputs don’t operate as you would expect, or you experience any other unpredicted behavior, the soft button “Init Globals” in System Settings will reset most global parameters in System Settings and Output Section as well as returning all locks to their default state.