• As the title says - I would find it very handy if the Loop stomp had a SEND level control. Does not seem terribly difficult to do.

    Kemper's loops, especially post amp, tend to run somewhat hot for some effects creating clipping.

    This can be circumnavigated (adding a hardware pad box after Kemper, turning the amp volume down in Kemper) but neither is very practical. I particularly dislike messing with the amp volume as it throws the rig out of balance.

    So, the ideal loop would have send/return/mix controls.

  • YES! I use the 4 cable method with the FX loop, running the Strymon TimeLine and BigSky through the loop. I've been getting digital clipping for a long time, and have tried every method I can think of to reduce this, but have concluded that having FX loop send controls would be the only effective solution. PLEASE implement this!

  •  FX Loop Level

    “FX Loop Level” controls the outgoing signal level of the hardware effects loop for correct leveling of the external device. This helps to prevent noise or distortion. It is a global parameter and affects Loop Mono as well as Loop Stereo. Loop Distortion is not affected by “FX Loop Level”.

    ✓Increases of SEND output level are compensated for corresponding decreases of RETURN INPUT level and vice versa. Therefore, the level and effect loop mix of the output signal stay unaltered.