Kemper Stage Stereo FX loop

  • I’m back with another question after having read the manual and watched a couple of videos. I just want to ensure I’m about to connect things properly…

    I’m looking to create a stereo effect loop with a pedal which has two inputs and two outputs. How do I go about connecting this as everything I read describes sending a mono signal from the Kemper and a stereo return. What if the stereo loop im looking to use is after other internal stereo Kemper effects?

    eg let’s pretend I have a stereo double tracker setup in the Kemper, and want to go out into a stereo reverb pedal and back? Do I just use both sends and if so would I need to configure as a left and right?

    Thanks in advance

  • the send in the Profiler is always mono. If you place a stereo fx loop after the double tracker the signal at the send will be summed to mono.

    I am surprised that no allowance was made for using a full stereo fx loop in the post amp slots - you could do this and still have full monitor stereo out in the Stage (use a pair of sends as a stereo pair and a pair of return for the stereo return) and at the expense of Monitor Stereo in the Rack/Head models. What was the thinking here?