Main Output XLR - Mic or Line Level?

  • I am connecting my Kemper to a UAD Apollo Quad which has switchable mic/line level option for XLR inputs. I have read contradictory information to whether the Kemper’s XLR main outputs are mic or line level. Anyone have the facts on this?

    Also, I am trying to cover all scenarios on this recording, so I would like to get both a stereo and mono take/recordings of the current profiles that I am using, but I am also trying to get a direct “guitar analog” take for possible reamping if that ends up being needed. I have XLR, TRS, TS and SPDIF connections available. What is my optimal connections and settings?

  • They are line level. I have my Main Outputs going into a Motu M4. My motu's gain knobs are at zero and the level is at 0.0db in my DAW. But I think you can adjust the level in the Output settings.

    I believe you set the SPDIF input to Reamp. SPDIF output would be your recorded signal in DAW and you set the SPDIF output to whichever guitar signal option you like in the Output settings. I use TS cables so my way is a little different.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

    Edited once, last by BayouTexan (February 2, 2022 at 2:40 AM).

  • If you need all of those simultaneously, I'd do this:

    Stereo: XLR's

    Mono amp + dry guitar: S/PDIF

    Leave all outputs at 0. The Apollo should manage the line output of the Kemper....Or, does the Apollo in fact accept line input on its XLR connection? If not, you'd need XLR to TRS cables, or just use T(R)S. Or use XLR and attenuate the Kemper's output :S