Keep tremolo (spillover) when I change rig?

  • Delay and reverb can be made to 'spill over' since they propagate the signal by delaying and repeating it (as a simplification).
    An amplitude modulation (Tremolo) doesn't do this - it is instantaneous.
    What you could do to made things smoother when transitioning from one rig to another is to use the morph feature and have the Tremolo Mix lowered by the morph.

  • I imagined. When I reduced tremolo with the morph I perceived a change in tone. Today when trying it again I have seen that this happened due to the volume in the tone effect. I have adjusted this volume so that the change is not noticeable with or without tremolo.

    To reduce the tremolo to zero with the morph I simply turn the "stereo" parameter from 0 to 180 and the effect disappears, since I play in mono.

    Thank you very much for your help