EQ or boost for EP (echoplex) booster effect?

  • I'm not sure but maybe the lead boost could do it if just an eq can't get it there. Looking at the schematic I would lean more towards the lead boost for its tone shaping abilities. Soft shaper maybe or who knows, maybe something unconventional like the kemper drive or Full oc drive at low settings is the ticket.

  • I haven’t tried this but I’m just thinking out loud so bear with me as I could be WAY off course.

    I wonder if the Single Delay FX could be used with delay time set to 0ms. And the Mix and Grit controls pushed to high levels?

    Quote from From the manual

    The Grit parameter adds a typical tape distortion to the delay signal. At lower values, the tape bias is reduced, creating a brittle sound. At higher values, the signal becomes noticeably compressed by the limited headroom of the tape. In the upper quarter of the Grit control, the input level is boosted to push the distortion even more. You can further control and tame the sound of the distortion by using the High Cut and Low Cut parameters. Use the Cut More switch to cut the edges of the sound further.

    As with every distortion, the amount of Grit in the delay is dependent of the input level. Therefore, Grit is sensitive to the "Mix Location” parameter. When Mix Location is set to "Pre”, the distortion is lowered by lowering the Delay Mix control. For this reason, you might prefer setting it to "Post”, as this will not change the amount of Grit when changing the delay mix.

    I know it is supposed to only affect the repeats but it might just work on the dry signal like a real Echolex preamp ??‍♂️

    Probably won’t work but worth a try just for fun.

  • I have now had a chance to test it and the Mix (Pre) and Grit controls do indeed have an effect on the sound even with delay time set to 0ms. Whether this is the same sort of afect that an echoplex would have is another story. I have never used an Echoplex or one of the Echoplex preamp only type pedal such as EP Boost etc. so I can't compare them but it does have a nice fattening effect which might be worth trying to see if it does what you need.

  • I have now had a chance to test it and the Mix (Pre) and Grit controls do indeed have an effect on the sound even with delay time set to 0ms. Whether this is the same sort of afect that an echoplex would have is another story. I have never used an Echoplex or one of the Echoplex preamp only type pedal such as EP Boost etc. so I can't compare them but it does have a nice fattening effect which might be worth trying to see if it does what you need.

    Sounds like the sauce to me ^^

  • I have the J Rockett A.P.E. pedal and isn't about the tape headroom, it is about the distortion inherent in the preamp of the original drive.

    An interesting sound and one of the four pedals I have NOT put on sale after buying my Stage...

    ... and a lot didn't make the cut.


    Edited once, last by Eddiebaby (January 22, 2022 at 11:02 PM).

  • I have the J Rockett A.P.E. pedal and isn't about the tape headroom, it is about the distortion inherent in the preamp of the original drive.

    An interesting sound and one of the four pedals I have NOT put on sale after buying my Stage...

    ... and a lot didn't make the cut.


    man you guys giving me GAS. did you profile the APE pedal with the Kemper?

  • I have the J Rockett A.P.E. pedal and isn't about the tape headroom, it is about the distortion inherent in the preamp of the original drive.

    An interesting sound and one of the four pedals I have NOT put on sale after buying my Stage...

    ... and a lot didn't make the cut.


    What are the other three pedals you are keeping?

    Never been a big pedal guy, but I'm curious about what I might be missing.

  • Sorry, only just seen this.

    Origin Effects Cali76 Stacked Edition compressor in front of the Stage.

    Origin Effects Revival Drive Compact in Stage loop 1

    The A.P.E. with a TC Flashback II in its loop in the second loop on the Stage.

    the Cali 76 is awesome. I really miss being able to get that compression from the KPA effects but even still I can’t bring myself to bear the extra hassle of carrying an extra pedal and power supply just for that one thing. Hopefully the KPA compressor will get an upgrade soon and I’ll be able have everything I want in one place ?

  • I have the external pedals on a tiny Rockboard Duo with a Harley Benton PSU underneath that does everything including the 18V for the Cali. A custom loom for an easy link to the Kemper and I'm away. Sometimes I don't want/need the xtra complication but it is an easy option to pack an extra small bag if I do.

  • Sorry, only just seen this.

    Origin Effects Cali76 Stacked Edition compressor in front of the Stage.

    Origin Effects Revival Drive Compact in Stage loop 1

    The A.P.E. with a TC Flashback II in its loop in the second loop on the Stage.

    Thanks for that. Currently the only pedal I use with Kemper is a Digitech Freq-out in front of my Stage (and a Boss looper pedal in a Kemper loop if that counts).

    I have recently picked up a tube amp (price was too good to pass on) and have thought of picking up some decent pedals, but ones that I could hopefully use with my Kemper - very interesting as I was thinking of trying a compressor and an Echoplex preamp style pedal. Great to hear that others find these of use with their Kemper. Though I suppose it would be better if there was no need as it was all in the Kemper already!