Sound broke up

  • Hi,

    today i play the Kemper the first time with my band.

    Before I tweak the sound.

    My signal chain: Guitar --> Input 5,5 (Clean Sense) (0,0 Dist Sense)--> Kemper --> Master (Monitor Out 5,5) --> Guitar Cable --> QSC K 12 new (low Bass and 3/4 Volume position)

    After 1hour the sound gets many noises and turn off. After a while it came back.

    Input and Output doesn´t clip, but in this moment off sound issues the master clips more.

    We play very loud and i guess it´s to loud for my new qsc k 12.

    What do you think is the problem?

    Kemper has new firmware

    Music Man JP 6-String/Piezo Pearl Redburst, Kemper Stage, Kemper Power Kabinet

  • Is this really possible? A new QSC K 12 with 1000 Watt?

    Next time I tweak the sound to a better level. Overdrive sounds are not so present. To much bass and not enough mids.

    Music Man JP 6-String/Piezo Pearl Redburst, Kemper Stage, Kemper Power Kabinet

  • Is this really possible? A new QSC K 12 with 1000 Watt?

    Next time I tweak the sound to a better level. Overdrive sounds are not so present. To much bass and not enough mids.

    Two things which I am sure you know but I will point out in case anyone out there does not. When these PA type speakers say 1000 watts, they don't really mean it in the way that you think, i.e., it's not 10 times the power of a 100 watt Marshall head. The second point is make sure to tweak your sound at volume because loudness affects perceived tone due to the fletcher-munson curve.

  • Thanks for reply.

    You are right. I have to tweak the Kemper to the right frequenzies in the Live Situation Volume.

    The Box is placed in a corner and today we got 38Grad Celsius air temperature. Inside it feels 40...

    Music Man JP 6-String/Piezo Pearl Redburst, Kemper Stage, Kemper Power Kabinet

  • Is this really possible? A new QSC K 12 with 1000 Watt?

    Next time I tweak the sound to a better level. Overdrive sounds are not so present. To much bass and not enough mids.

    Have been using a K-10 and was running quite hot (the fan was turning the all time), though I never had any sound problem... But our stage volume is quite reasonable.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • The Box is placed in a corner and today we got 38Grad Celsius air temperature.

    There is a fan at the back of the QSC K12. Maybe there in the corner the airflow was stuck?
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • @ guitarnet70:
    I don't see any ventilation on my RCF NX 12SMA. Do you think there could be similar problems when I play it really loud?…er&userID=22832
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • Thank you - thats good to know! I read that some speakers use the airflow of bass reflex channels to do ventilation. Maybe this is how they cool down.
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • The passive cooling of the RCF is very efficient, never ever had an issue. The noisy fan is one of the reason I've stopped using the QSC (the other being that the coax RCF sounds lot better)

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff