Edit all Rig tags in Performance.

  • So, when I first got my Kemper Stage when first released in the UK, I originally made all of my live Performances from Rigs in the unit or from the Rig Exchange.
    Since then, all these rigs have been updated and all the amps are my own profiles and effects all mine too.

    When I look at the Rig tags in a Performance on my Stage, all the Rigs have the original authors names from whatever Rigs were first used when setting up my original Performances the first few days and weeks that I had the unit.

    All Performances in my live set used this original Performance as a template so now, every Rig in every Performance has the wrong information as to what the Rig name is, who the Rig author was, Rig Instrument and Rig Comments etc. How do I get to edit these in Rig Manager as they do not show up there.
    Do I have to plug a USB keyboard into my Stage and alter every Rig tag in every performance manually?

  • Hi Vinnie, If I understand your question correctly it unfortunately isn't possible without doing each rig individually. However, Rig Manager and cut & paste are your friends rather than retyping stuff or trying to do it on the Stage.

    The first thing to be clear about is the difference between updating tags such as Author, Name, Amp and Slot Names.

    You can't change the tags (other than Name) in a performance slot. These come through with the rig from the Browser Rig Pool. You also can't change the name of the Author on commercial profiles even if you have edited it.

    However, you can change the Tags for a Performance (not the slots within it) or the slot names within performance.

    Lets take an imaginary Performance as an example. In Slot 1 we loaded the Rig Fan123 by ScaryProfiles (made up names before anyone tries to find this mythical clean rig ^^) . The rig loads and slot shows Fan123. If I decide to change this by loading a new Rig called Mars 123 the slot name will update to show Mars123. However, if I manually type a new name such as MarsClean this will now stay with that slot no matter what rig I load in future. So if I reload Fan123 the slot will still show as MarsClean. In order to put this back to factory default behaviour I need to hit the Edit Softkey on the Performance then hit Slot Settings on the next page. Then Rename Slot followed by Use Rig Name. I believe you need to do this for every slot manually though.

    Alternatively, you can right click on the slot in Rig Manager and use Revert Slot Name to Rig Name from the menu.

    Now if I load a new rig into Slot 1 say Vox123 the Slot will show Vox123 instead of MarsClean.

    If you only want to change the Performance Name itself rather than individual Slots just Retype this in Rig Manager.

  • Thanks for the reply.
    I originally brought in a Mk3 Boogie from the Rig Exchange and put it into slot one of the Performance. Then, I built the first Performance from there copying rigs into other slots.
    After a couple of days, I profiled one of my own Mk3 (I have 3 in my studio) to have my own sounds and settings.

    That stack was then pasted into the slots. None of my own Rig Tags made it with that paste. I don’t understand why when a different amp of my own profiling is pasted into that slot that it does not override the Rig Tags.

    How are you supposed to end up as the author when any Rigs you use in a Performance the first day you have it then stick throughout.
    Since even then, I have ended up with all my own 3+SE/Mesa295/ Suhr Reactive Load IR as well as a few of my other amps and devices I have profiled in all my Performances.

    All a bit of a nightmare. I basically need to save all my individual effects from most slots in most profiles on 22 live Performances now and start them all from scratch with new Performances. At the same time, initiating each one of these Performances again with my own profiled rigs and noting down all the rig volumes of each Rig in all 22 Performances.

    Surely it must be appreciated that the first day you have your new Kemper at home that you won’t already have done your own profiles. So, when making your first Performances you are using other peoples profiles almost as placeholders. As soon as you paste your own own profiled amps into the stack, it should update the author and all the other Rig Tags in that slot.

    I have spent months getting all these Performances fine tuned and all my work is showing someone else as the author.
    It should recognise that I am using my own profiles now.

    It is what it is but it’s a big oversight. Even the renaming of the slot is far from perfect. Because some of them were renamed by me to Mesa Mk3 Rhythm or Lead, that name is still there and pressing the Use Rig Name button seems to do do nothing even though it’s now a 3+SE. That maybe user error but I have tried before and the names I originally gave them slots still stick.

    I foresee a lot of Kemper Performance reprogramming in early 2022.

    Thanks so much for the helpful reply. I really do appreciate it. ?