KPA test by FAS

  • The one great thing I have recently seen is that David Torn is using the KPA, and he's pretty enthusiastic about it. His KPA clips are awesome. The TGP moderators (many who are FAS fanboys) don't dare try to question him on his opinions as he's a *true* professional musician with plenty of experience and awareness of great tone.

    I think I'll end the bashing on this thread as was mentioned earlier and focus on the product.

    BTW, with the new firmware and lots of profiles loaded, how long does it take to boot?

    I timed it yesterday with both factory rig packs, the latest firmware and the entire Amp Factory bundle installed: 44 seconds. While that might seem long to some, by the time I get situated in my studio, computer booted and my analog synths up to temperature, the KPA's been booted for minutes. Of course, I won't keep all the factory, or Amp Factory rigs on my machine... but they've been so fun and great sounding I'm having trouble figuring which ones I want to keep. 8| Eventually though I'm sure I'll weed out the ones I won't use or that sound too similar. At any rate, boot up time hasn't been an issue.

    As for Torn's sound... people might hit me, but while I love his music... I generally find his guitar sound to be horrible. It seems like he dials out all the middle juice and your left with low and some grating fizzy highs. Don't get me wrong, I really love his music and I have most of it on CD, but every time I listen to it I wish I could go back and re-engineer it to give the guitar sound more body. 8) To each their own I guess.

    His oud stuff sonds phenomenal though. :love:

  • DT's use of the KPA is creative. With that said, his present guitar sound choices are not my favorite. Too much farty bass and fuzz with no smoothness anywhere.

    I think the best sound he had was on his CD "Cloud About Mercury" many years ago. I think he was using a Klein Electric and a Pearce SS amp. That combo is awesome ...

    Yeah, I have Cloud About Mercury... and a guy I used to do gigs with had the same Pearce, though he played a Steinberger into it... that was all the rage in the early 90s... I still love my Steinberger and I was down for that SS amp craze, but ended up with an Ampeg SC140, but even on Cloud About Mercury I didn't like his tone that much. Too shrill. Just my personal taste.

    I wish someone would profile a Pearce. The friend I was talking about works at Sweetwater where I got my Kemper. I asked him to profile his for me but he politely declined. :S I can't seem to find anyone who's got that Ampeg either. God I love the sound of those amps. :love:

  • Don't leave out and44, audioholic, and Dada, :) In the first five pages there are 27 Kemper threads and 28 Axe threads. Scott doesn't shut down Kemper threads he shuts down threads where people start arguing and slinging mud.
    I personally think the Kemper is an exceptional product and have done nothing but post praises about it since I first heard about it May 2011. I want one but a rack would really work for me.
    I post about the Axe because I have one. If I had a Pod HD or a Kemper I would probably post about those too.
    I really didn't think posting the aliasing test thing was a good idea at all. I don't hear anything but great clips from the Kemper. If it has some weird aliasing thing I don't think anybody cares because it just sounds so damn good.
    Heck I even made a thread comparing my clip with Valtiel's Dr Z and stating his had a magic I couldn't get.

    They should call the Digital/Modeling section on TGP the Peterson/Zentman section.

  • Don't leave out and44, audioholic, and Dada, :) In the first five pages there are 27 Kemper threads and 28 Axe threads. Scott doesn't shut down Kemper threads he shuts down threads where people start arguing and slinging mud.
    I personally think the Kemper is an exceptional product and have done nothing but post praises about it since I first heard about it May 2011. I want one but a rack would really work for me.
    I post about the Axe because I have one. If I had a Pod HD or a Kemper I would probably post about those too.
    I really didn't think posting the aliasing test thing was a good idea at all. I don't hear anything but great clips from the Kemper. If it has some weird aliasing thing I don't think anybody cares because it just sounds so damn good.
    Heck I even made a thread comparing my clip with Valtiel's Dr Z and stating his had a magic I couldn't get.

    I read almost every word at TGP's "Digital and Modeling Gear" section, and can verify, what Zentman says is true.
    He is always praising the KPA, and puts much effort into being as fair, and objective as possible.
    I enjoy his posts, and have learned a lot from him.

  • Don't leave out and44, audioholic, and Dada, :) In the first five pages there are 27 Kemper threads and 28 Axe threads. Scott doesn't shut down Kemper threads he shuts down threads where people start arguing and slinging mud.
    I personally think the Kemper is an exceptional product and have done nothing but post praises about it since I first heard about it May 2011. I want one but a rack would really work for me.
    I post about the Axe because I have one. If I had a Pod HD or a Kemper I would probably post about those too.
    I really didn't think posting the aliasing test thing was a good idea at all. I don't hear anything but great clips from the Kemper. If it has some weird aliasing thing I don't think anybody cares because it just sounds so damn good.
    Heck I even made a thread comparing my clip with Valtiel's Dr Z and stating his had a magic I couldn't get.

    Yeah, a rack would work better for me also.....but, I'm sure glad I didn't wait until next year to get one. The darned *lunchbox* is SUPERB! :D

  • I had a Pearce endorsement back in the 80,s and have a LOT of their gear!

    I will post a profile of the Pearce G1 in the next day or so.
    Bill Ruppert


    Given your level of musicianship, you should have a LOT of EVERYONE'S any manufacturer that has a clue, should be falling all over themselves to get you to endorse their products! :thumbup:

    In fact, that you only have "Trainee" status is mind boggling. 8| As a fellow "Trainee", I feel so unworthy. :huh:

  • Don't leave out and44, audioholic, and Dada, :) In the first five pages there are 27 Kemper threads and 28 Axe threads. Scott doesn't shut down Kemper threads he shuts down threads where people start arguing and slinging mud.
    I personally think the Kemper is an exceptional product and have done nothing but post praises about it since I first heard about it May 2011. I want one but a rack would really work for me.
    I post about the Axe because I have one. If I had a Pod HD or a Kemper I would probably post about those too.
    I really didn't think posting the aliasing test thing was a good idea at all. I don't hear anything but great clips from the Kemper. If it has some weird aliasing thing I don't think anybody cares because it just sounds so damn good.
    Heck I even made a thread comparing my clip with Valtiel's Dr Z and stating his had a magic I couldn't get.

    lol. I meant that more from how prolific you are! I don't know how you find the time for all those clips. From your posts I know that you are fair and just are excited by the equipment you have. Hope you didn't take offense because none was meant. I post a lot less on TGP because I am pretty content with my equipment these days and don't need to take part in the bickering, but I appreciate your posts on the latest and greatest of what modeling technology can do.

  • Bill,

    Given your level of musicianship, you should have a LOT of EVERYONE'S any manufacturer that has a clue, should be falling all over themselves to get you to endorse their products! :thumbup:

    In fact, that you only have "Trainee" status is mind boggling. 8| As a fellow "Trainee", I feel so unworthy. :huh:

    These status monikers are based strictly on number of posts, so they are meaningless for anything else. Bill is a master of sound and an outstanding musician. :thumbup:

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • I had a Pearce endorsement back in the 80,s and have a LOT of their gear!

    I will post a profile of the Pearce G1 in the next day or so.
    Bill Ruppert

    :love: I will name it George and hug it and kiss it and love it forever! :D

    (BTW, a quick google search of Bill Ruppert turned up a wealth of amazing stuff... and may have also just sold an Electro-harmonix Superego and POG2)

    Edited once, last by zerocrossing (August 1, 2012 at 4:49 PM).

  • Don't leave out and44, audioholic, and Dada, :) In the first five pages there are 27 Kemper threads and 28 Axe threads. Scott doesn't shut down Kemper threads he shuts down threads where people start arguing and slinging mud.
    I personally think the Kemper is an exceptional product and have done nothing but post praises about it since I first heard about it May 2011. I want one but a rack would really work for me.
    I post about the Axe because I have one. If I had a Pod HD or a Kemper I would probably post about those too.
    I really didn't think posting the aliasing test thing was a good idea at all. I don't hear anything but great clips from the Kemper. If it has some weird aliasing thing I don't think anybody cares because it just sounds so damn good.
    Heck I even made a thread comparing my clip with Valtiel's Dr Z and stating his had a magic I couldn't get.

    Another + 1 from me for the Zentman. :thumbup:

    All of us around here know you're very fair and unbiased when it comes to the TGP VS threads...and we appreciate it.

  • These status monikers are based strictly on number of posts, so they are meaningless for anything else. Bill is a master of sound and an outstanding musician. :thumbup:

    Yeah. I knew that. :) It seems as though the "Oracle of Tone" (ck) could implement an upgrade of Bill's status...particularly since some of Bill's profiles were included in the recent Rig Pack. :whistling: