RM Issues

  • Hey Guys

    I'm using the latest version RM with Mac OS Big Sur.

    I have encountered nothing but issues.

    Lock ups, freezes.

    Happens mainly when i'm editing.

    Today, I was just trying new Amps in the Rig library.

    I got a weird screen saying contact Kemper.

    It was on the RM but also on the Kemper.

    I didn't screen capture it, as I was freaking out that my Kemper was fried.

    So I restarted the Kemper and unplugged the USB and crossed my fingers.

    all was good.

    Why am I having so many issues?

    Is it my USB cable?

    Or is it RM?


    Edited once, last by Gezza (December 6, 2021 at 11:22 AM).

  • That sounds familiar to me..

    - KPA freezes, i am still able to switch rigs in RM but KPA stays on the rig when it was freezing.. (fix = restart KPA)

    - RM freezes, KPA dosent (fix = restart RM)

    - Kemper stops working and shows this:

    or this:

    or i get the clock error message (sorry dont have a pic of that).

    Then i have to restart the KPA, and all works fine again.

    But i never had a "contact kemper support" popping up in RM.

    Neither just the lock ups in RM freezing (if i understood that right?)

    I am not sure, but i have the feeling that this happens mainly when i am clicking " fast" through the rigs.

    ~2 Years ago, i wrote an email to the support team, and we tried everything to figure out what causes this errors, unfortunatley with no success..

    Also, i have to say this errors appear very rarely (sometimes twice a week but then nothing for 2-3 month, with daily use of my Kemper)... atleast in my case.

    Sorry for not beeing helpful.. just wanted to tell you: you are not alone ;)

    Edited once, last by o0NAC0o (December 6, 2021 at 11:46 PM).

  • Yes, that was the blue screen I got yesterday.

    I'm not sure which one it was.

    The contact Kemper was on the RM.

    Clearly RM is unstable.

    I can't believe it, after all this time away from Kemper.

    RM is not developed properly.

    So far for me, it happens almost every time if have used RM.

    I don't use it every day, just to check out new amps.

    I use the Kemper everyday to fine tune my sounds.

    Very disappointing from Kemper.


  • Probably the upper screen, i think the 2nd one i had only once (and maybe it was some completly other issue, since i cant remember exactly what happend before that came up).

    If it happens everytime you use RM, i would try a new/better USB cable first. Mine is pretty old and cheap too, but it didnt bother me enough to buy a new one yet :P

    Also, for more info: I am using windows, so its not a mac only thing.

    Anyway, good luck! And let me know if you figure out a solution!

  • Hey Guys,

    Can someone point me in the right direction for the cables.

    USB A to USB B?

    Type 2 or 3?

    All I can find are printer cables.

    Is that what everyone uses? yes looks like it is.

    Also, is there a minimum length that works best?


    Edited once, last by Gezza (December 7, 2021 at 9:01 AM).

  • When I first started using RM (1-2 months ago and on Windows 10) I would get this message every once in a while.

    For me, I would get the message if I started editing a profile in the RIG EXCHANGE. Now I save it to the profiler and then start editing it. I think the error came after editing then saving the edited copy to the profiler. I cant recall exactly and the Kemper is behind me when I am editing so I dont notice the error screen right away.

    Another thing to look at is sometimes it takes a few seconds for RM to complete the task you are asking it to do. So wait for the BUSY animations to stop before clicking stuff. Like saying DUPLICATE or STORE may take a second or two.

    The last patch mentioned something about a USB fix. I dont recall. But I have not seen the USB error screen for a long time now so I dont know if it helped or not.

  • Yes, that was the blue screen I got yesterday.

    In your first post you state that you didn't capture the screen and now you're saying "Yes, that was the blue screen I got yesterday". The screens might look similar (blue) but the information on the screen is always different.

    I suggest you contact support.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • For me, I would get the message if I started editing a profile in the RIG EXCHANGE. Now I save it to the profiler and then start editing it. I think the error came after editing then saving the edited copy to the profiler. I cant recall exactly and the Kemper is behind me when I am editing so I dont notice the error screen right away.

    Good to know!

    Another thing to look at is sometimes it takes a few seconds for RM to complete the task you are asking it to do. So wait for the BUSY animations to stop before clicking stuff. Like saying DUPLICATE or STORE may take a second or two.

    I can confirm this!

    Another thing i figured out is: When you are searching for something in rig exchange/local-folder, and you type something in the serach field and then copy/paste some of the results into another folder, the loading-circle wont go away.

    Clearing the search field before paste, avoids that issue for me.

  • Another thing i figured out is: When you are searching for something in rig exchange/local-folder

    I crashed RM yesterday trying to search for something that it had no results for. But I dont know if that is real reason it crashed. It may have been trying to search as I typed each character and just got confused. Like it was mid search then started a new search...?