Delay help [solved]

  • Hey Guys,

    looking for some help with my delay sound.
    I can't seem to find the delay I need.

    I know there are plenty of delays available.

    But I just want to be able to control the decay rate, I can only see a feedback control.

    So as the delay repeats if gets softer, most of the ones I have tried repeat with the same intensity then stop.

    I just need a single delay 500ms with 2 or 3 repeats and the decay to diminish on the repeats.

    Please let me know.

  • The Feedback control is the correct thing for your needs. The Single Delay effect with the feedback low should be all you need.


    just had a thought. Do you have the delay before or after the amp? If you put the delay in from of an overdriven amp the amps compression (distortion) may create the effect you described. Unless ypu are going for a specific sound it is usually best to run delay after the amp.

  • Thanks,

    I always run the delay after the amp.

    When I turn down the feedback, it does shorten the delay.

    But the intensity to my ears sounds the same.

    In other words the repeats are not getting softer, its just 2 / 3 repeats.

    I have the mix at 50%, 500ms, and 17% feedback.


  • Thats strange. The Feedback control doesn’t shorten the delay (delay time would do that) but it does reduce the number of repeats. When I do it it definitely does make the repeats gradually reduce in volume. Is there anything after the KPA in your signal chain that could be affecting this. For example, are you listening via a DAW? If so do you have a compressor on the channel or the mix bus?

  • Straight from the amp.

    I have a reverb last, it's also set low.

    Yesterday I tried my pedalboard versus my Kemper.

    I could defiantly hear the repeats getting softer on the real pedal.

    TC Electronics Alter Ego, Deluxe memory man setting.

    But the Kemper, the delay was repeated at the same volume and them stopped.

    My delay was set the same and perhaps that's my problem.

    Setting my Kemper the same as the real delay pedal.

    Will try to experiment with the mix knob.

  • Pedals often incorporate various changes into a single knob. It may say mix, but it’s more likely that some EQ, volume and other adjustments are being made.

    Mix isn’t just mix.

    That makes sense given there are only three knobs to tweak per algorithm. For the KPA, that’s not necessary. The trade off is complexity.

    I believe there is a Memory Man preset you can try. I forget what it’s called, but it’s there.

    Beyond that, use the high cut parameter and see what that gets you. Don’t be afraid to be very liberal. Some ‘dirty’ delays I’ve used have the high cut way down to nearly 1k.

    Other controls work in conjunction (flutter, grit etc). But high cut is very useful all by itself.

  • Hi Gezza

    I just doubled checked and Feedback is working correctly for me. With the Single Delay FX type loaded in the Delay slot and the factory preset Echo Machine as a starting point, I turned feedback down to c.15%. This gave me 2 repeats which reduced in volume each time. This is a 3rd repeat just barely audible for me also. Definitely no constant level then sudden stop. Something must be wrong. Have you tried a reset of the KPA just in case?

  • Try these settings on the Single Delay. The Feedback will control how many repeats. This one has 4 repeats with the 4th one almost silent. You can flavor it from there. Note as you increase the Delay Time ms first then you may have to increase Feedback.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

    Edited 2 times, last by BayouTexan (November 21, 2021 at 11:36 PM).

  • Hi All,

    Thanks very much for all the help.

    I have the Gate 1st in slot A and is turned off, activate by switch on the controller.

    So I have this.

    Gate, Wah, Comp, Dist - (Amp/EQ) - EQ, Boost, Delay, Reverb.

    Gate is off, Dist is off, Boost is off, they are switched on the controller.

    I will try some of your suggestions.


  • Hi All,

    I made some adjustments.

    First I plugged my Alter Ego pedal in the effects loop of the Kemper.

    So I could A/B against the one I had selected and the real thing.

    So I ended up on Time 5/16, 30% Mix and 10% repeats.

    This gets me to exactly the same as my pedal.

    Thanks very much for all the help.
