I have an Engl Fireball 100 and a few cabs, as well as some interesting mics.
This is the amp with an Orange 2x12 with English V30s. The mic is a Sennheiser E906. I also have an SM57, an SM58 (with dust cap off) and a Townsend Labs Sphere.
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Pardon the squeaking sounds, I have a ring on my palm muting hand.
I also have a few other cabs - a Friedman 2x12 (Chinese V30s), an Emperor 4x12 (Governors and Tonkers in X pattern) and a Mesa Boogie Thiele 1x12 (EVM12L).
This is the studio I'll be working in for the recordings.
I'll drop off this profile in the Free Rigs section later, but if there's interest in a guitar pack, have a listen to those sounds and let me know what you'd like to hear.