Get my QSC K12... Questions

  • Heho,

    tested the QSC K 12 in the shop and now in a smaller room ist very very boomy but also a good sound.

    How do you turn the frequenzies into perfect mode? In the master output section?

    At the beginning the sound was very low. So i put some gain in the master out section. How much gain should i put in the master out?

    Thank you

    Music Man JP 6-String/Piezo Pearl Redburst, Kemper Stage, Kemper Power Kabinet

  • If your playing at home with the K12, there is a "low" button on the back of the K12. - I use that when I cant play loud, it will add the low floor to the speaker. - and disable it when you go out and play loud.

    There will be (unavoidable) different sound wherever you are. from one room to another, so playing quiet you may need more bass, more gain to justify the sound you seek. - but loud volumes, less gain and less bass is key. - this we cannot tell you, as tone is what you hear and is personal to you, you just need to experiment.

    Sorry there is no golden answer for this.

  • I tried the QSC K10 which is supposed to be even less "boomy" and didn't like the bass at all. Just too much for my application (guitar cab replacement).

    I returned it and ended up with a line6 stage source. I am running this cab primarily as "monitor" or amp replacement.
    It all really depends on the room, the placement and the purpose.

    If you are not happy, try out at least one other cab. We sometimes sell stuff with loss we initially liked alot, but if you are not happy in the first place, I recommend spending more time on the "selection" process.


    90% of the game is half-mental.