I am not sure I am a fan of Kemper any more

  • I am Hardly childish folks, as you imply! save that line for kids who buy Line 6 crap...I am quite frustrated and this is a great place to vent! besides being called childish - I have actually seen a number of responses from equally frustrated individuals. When you say the manufacturer does not owe me (or you) anything and has never made promises! that's a load of crap IMHO - I, just like you I suspect, paid a BUTT load of cash for this device - they have been promising performance mode from day one - hell there is even a switch on the box for it - yet every rev of FW does not address it. As for an editor - someone said they could code it in a few minutes - please do - if you are going to put out a "software" based device then in my simple thinking, an editor should be a no brainier - even TC Electronics and Axxe have editors - makes life so much simpler.

    My comment about "being in Germany" was only to say - non-USA - agree bad choice of words on my part did not mean to offed truly sorry about that - I love Germany - lived there for better part of 10 years - non-military related :)

    As for making my Kemper sound worse - hmmm... I noticed with new release - it sounds very different - not always better - I am hearing "digital artifacts" and I can't hear anymore - so if I am hearing it then its gotta be there! I really dig the Uwe Vox amps - but after I upgraded to new FW - it sounds harsh and digital :cursing:

    It's impossible for the sound to change after doing the firmware upgrade...unless you're talking about the Monitor Out to poweramp/cab, but you're not...therefore what you're hearing is psychological.

    Some of the worlds best most experienced guitarists/engineers/producers (link below) aren't hearing these digital artifacts, but a few guys on the internet are...who should I believe?

    Listen to these clips.
    I'm sure some guitarists with super ears will hear digital artifacts, the guitarist playing hasn't mentioned the word digital artifacts anywhere, not once.


  • My comment about "being in Germany" was only to say - non-USA - agree bad choice of words on my part did not mean to offed truly sorry about that - I love Germany - lived there for better part of 10 years - non-military related :)

    I'm sorry but it is again bad choice of words..If something is German or French or whatever why would you have to mention "not USA" ? You can also mention that it is not " EVERY other country in the world " right ? To me that sounds too much like there is USA..and the rest of the world...
    To start with I do not see why the country of manufature have to be mentionned...
    BTW I'm not German...I just do not understand what it has to do with your own problem ?

  • I only wonder what exactly is the purpose of your post?
    Do you have a problem you want to get fixed? - Apperently no. <== you did not read my post sir - customer service is the main gripe
    Do you want to adress the manufacturer directly to tell them what you don't like? - No. <== please read the letter ...errr...post
    Do you you want to improve the unit by discussing things that aren't good? - No
    Do you want to offer to sell your unit to anybody here? - No <== no

    I'm all for criticism but you are just whining, sorry.

    I think a customer - any customer - has a right to ....whine, complain or vent... I love the idea of Kemper - just thought we would see more by now

  • Yes - monitor out into SoundCraft Sapphyre or directly in to Apogee Ensemble

    This is exactly your problem, use the main outs or spdif if you can. The latest upgrade has optimized the monitor out for use with power amp and cab (with cab off on the Kemper) and has added a complete new eq section to the monitor out (press and hold Master to access the Output menu and scroll to the Monitor Out page). At best you need to adjust the Eq there to get back to where you were before the update. Monitor out is meant to be used for monitoring purposes, not as main signal in to your DAW.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • the internet is more realer

    I may not be a "BIG" name, but I am a very accomplished guitarist and producer 8) - I am not a pimple faced 17 year old ( I wish) :whistling:

    Question, were these guitarist and producers "given" a Kemper for an endorsement? because if that is the case - of course they would not give any bad PR publicly. ?(

    Look - the fact is I love my Kemper - but as my post says I think I am not really in the FAN category anymore - I was looking at an Axxe and /or Mesa Boogie Rig when I stumbled on Kemper and fell in love :love::love: - I blogged all over the internet and FB - but lately it seems like the Kemper team has forgotten about the user base, customer base - sure we have FW upgrades appreciate that, and love the new rig pack - but come on an editor should be something they could knock out on a Saturday afternoon - and WHY no performance mode? I have also provided a few suggestions of improvements and / or features but never saw a reply - now I am really not expecting a reply - and just because I would like to see new features does not mean they make sense or even apply - I get it!

    Maybe I drank too much wine last night when I posted original - but I was playing my Kemper and was a tad upset

    You guys, this forum and Kemper are great Truly!!! :D

  • I may not be a "BIG" name, but I am a very accomplished guitarist and producer 8) - I am not a pimple faced 17 year old ( I wish) :whistling:

    Question, were these guitarist and producers "given" a Kemper for an endorsement? because if that is the case - of course they would not give any bad PR publicly. ?(

    Look - the fact is I love my Kemper - but as my post says I think I am not really in the FAN category anymore - I was looking at an Axxe and /or Mesa Boogie Rig when I stumbled on Kemper and fell in love :love: :love: - I blogged all over the internet and FB - but lately it seems like the Kemper team has forgotten about the user base, customer base - sure we have FW upgrades appreciate that, and love the new rig pack - but come on an editor should be something they could knock out on a Saturday afternoon - and WHY no performance mode? I have also provided a few suggestions of improvements and / or features but never saw a reply - now I am really not expecting a reply - and just because I would like to see new features does not mean they make sense or even apply - I get it!

    Maybe I drank too much wine last night when I posted original - but I was playing my Kemper and was a tad upset

    You guys, this forum and Kemper are great Truly!!! :D

    There you go, the wine has worn off, now you're back to normal. :thumbup:

  • This is exactly your problem, use the main outs or spdif if you can. The latest upgrade has optimized the monitor out for use with power amp and cab (with cab off on the Kemper) and has added a complete new eq section to the monitor out (press and hold Master to access the Output menu and scroll to the Monitor Out page). At best you need to adjust the Eq there to get back to where you were before the update. Monitor out is meant to be used for monitoring purposes, not as main signal in to your DAW.

    Humble apologies - not Monitor out 0I am using Master L/R output - sorry

  • It sounds like your flash memory got corrupted. I think it might happen loading beta firmwares.. it did happen to me and I started hearing all kinds of bad things from my Kemper. The thing to do to fix it is a flash format which you can find instructions for on the problem forum.

    Whether or not you care to fix it is up to you! I had the same type of issue and now I am all fixed up. Remember to perform a backup before you do the format because it will wipe all settings.

  • I dont see a use for a computer editor. I realy like the O.S. in the Kemper and I like turning the knobs ^^ Now my Axe FX2 I wouldnt want to use it without axe edit software It would just be a pain in the butt. Since the last update Kemper did I havent even turned on my Axe 2. IMHO the biggest
    difference betwen Kemper and Axe is Feel. Kemper feels like a real amp and the last few pages of Amps that have been posted are great. EVH 5150, Diezel Herb-Einst amps and that JMC Slash lead is really good. I do keep in mind Fractial is not going backwards and is a great unit. Next update for them is going to be mostly effects. But I tell ya from the U.S. the Kemper is workin great for me :D

  • [quote='donbarzini',index.php?page=Thread&postID=42043#post42043]

    Look - the fact is I love my Kemper - but as my post says I think I am not really in the FAN category anymore - I was looking at an Axxe and /or Mesa Boogie Rig when I stumbled on Kemper and fell in love :love::love: - I blogged all over the internet and FB - but lately it seems like the Kemper team has forgotten about the user base, customer base - sure we have FW upgrades appreciate that, and love the new rig pack - but come on an editor should be something they could knock out on a Saturday afternoon - and WHY no performance mode? I have also provided a few suggestions of improvements and / or features but never saw a reply - now I am really not expecting a reply - and just because I would like to see new features does not mean they make sense or even apply - I get it!

    Software is my day job so I perhaps have more patience for these things than most because I know how long they take. Trust me--you don't want a librarian that someone knocked out in an afternoon. Just sorting out the cross platform issues (supporting both Windows and Mac is a necessity in the music business). That said, if you look at the back of your Kemper you'll notice a Network connection--I think there is a potentially opportunity to build the Rig management in as a service you connect to with a web browser neatly dodging all the platform issues. I'd love it if I could plug a WiFi antenna into the USB and connect to the Kemper from my iPad.

    Overall, since Kemper is committed to backward compatibility, I think long term the community is better served through features that are carefully thought through over those that are rushed.