Full backup with RM

  • I am with you. For me RM is not really beneficial as I only use it for transferring rigs to my profiler. Furthermore no ability to program the remote … but another issue.
    I would like to backup not only RM but also the Profiler especially before an update. I think it would be user-friendly to implement a mandatory full-backup of RM and Profiler before this procedure to make sure you are able to rewind in case something went wrong or is/feels odd after update. It is basic I’m my opinion and way more useful than wireless stuff.

  • 32 gigs is enough for a ton of backups.

    1 GB is enough for hundreds of full backups. A 32GB stick is serious overkill and slows formatting down immensely... to the point that many peeps think their units have frozen. I always recommend getting the smallest-capacity stick possible.

    The Kemper Community Wah collection is less than half a megabyte.

    500 FX presets is roughly 17mb.

    A full backup with all the factory Presets, Wah Collection and a single Rig onboard is 4.4mb.

  • That USB mini finger nail stick is what I used on my toaster for years. A few days ago, I upgraded RM before updating the KAOS on my Stage and RM no longer connected to the Stage. My toaster has been packed in storage since last October when we were prepping to move but permit and construction on the new house kept the Toaster in storage. I had to hunt for one of my old thumb drives because newer larger GB drives kept borking the stage. I finally found a KPA thumb drive labelled KPA 2012, loaded the new KAOS and that upgraded the stage to connect to RM. Get no bigger than an 8 GB mini drive. They are snug to the KPA and significantly less likely to break the USB slot.

    I also use a right or left angled USB B for the same reason. It is really easy to break the USB slots since they are fimsy on mosst modeler units and can easily lose contact with the circuit board.

    Boy, did I ramble on. Sorry.