For the Love Of God Can We Please Get Some Kind of Rig Management Tool?!

  • I am not questioning any smart workaround you guys have come up with - there have been decent "solutions" all over this place. I am just wondering, if there is anything official to expect kinda soon?
    And I am not demanding anything - except an answer maybe? :)

    I am very ok with the fact, that other projects like the foot controller need more attention/resources. Just a Yes/No and maybe a rough guess (time frame).

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • Link to rm12's thread: Work in progress - KPA rig management tool

    Kudos to you, however, I'm on a mac, and I saw that your editor will be for windows only - you said another guy was working on one for mac?

    Either way, It would be nice to know if kemper is planning on making one anytime soon, If they released an official Kemper librarian tomorrow,
    I feel like you would have wasted a lot of time and effort making this one on your own.

  • Link to rm12's thread: Work in progress - KPA rig management tool

    Kudos to you, however, I'm on a mac, and I saw that your editor will be for windows only - you said another guy was working on one for mac?

    Either way, It would be nice to know if kemper is planning on making one anytime soon, If they released an official Kemper librarian tomorrow,
    I feel like you would have wasted a lot of time and effort making this one on your own.

    Waraba is making a mac version for an profile editor.

    We are waiting for an management tool, but never heard that kemper doing it now. kemper will prefer there web site rig exchange for now and they have a lot of work with the power amp and midi board. But sure, this could happen.
    I have a lot of ideas and hope it will also be useful tomorrow. We will see. I hope not to waste my time.
    We will see.


  • Waraba is making a mac version for an profile editor.

    We are waiting for an management tool, but never heard that kemper doing it now. kemper will prefer there web site rig exchange for now and they have a lot of work with the power amp and midi board. But sure, this could happen.
    I have a lot of ideas and hope it will also be useful tomorrow. We will see. I hope not to waste my time.
    We will see.


    For mac users maybe they could look into a program called Crossover. I use it to run small Windows programs on my Mac and hope I can use it for your program too.

    It is unfortunate that Kemper have not even told us whether or not they are working on a rig management tool. I think that is a real failure on their part. However, I am sure that if you come out with a useful tool, the good people in this community would help you out monetarily so that even if Kemper releases their own tool you will at least not have wasted your time. Thanks for taking the initiative!

  • and the possibility to sort by tags in the kemper

    Hugely important IMO. The manual is vague on this, but it almost implies that this is supported already, i.e. by saying that tagging will make it easier to find profiles in the future. It really only makes it easier to find profiles on the website, and then only to a limited extent.

  • I often see comments like "You bought a KPA - take it for what it is and don't complain about missing features". So for what it's worth - I haven't got a KPA yet, and I'm planning to get one. In the meantime I am closely following the development. State of the art rig management is important to me - I'm not a pro who gets to fiddle with his gear all day. I like what the KPA can do in terms of sound (based on clips, reviews, etc), but I also need the convenience of a modern digital unit.

    So, a big +1 to this request from a potential owner.

  • I often see comments like "You bought a KPA - take it for what it is and don't complain about missing features". So for what it's worth - I haven't got a KPA yet, and I'm planning to get one. In the meantime I am closely following the development. State of the art rig management is important to me - I'm not a pro who gets to fiddle with his gear all day. I like what the KPA can do in terms of sound (based on clips, reviews, etc), but I also need the convenience of a modern digital unit.

    So, a big +1 to this request from a potential owner.

    Well, as big of an issue as this is, and trust me I'm currently pretty frustrated at how difficult it is to do basic rig deleting, you're shooting yourself in the foot by waiting. The way it currently is isn't unusable at all... unless you load up your machine with a ton of rigs. Then, it's pretty much your own fault. I have no one else but me for my cluttered mess. Wee! 8o

    I tried to start cleaning off my kemper today... and I found I couldn't even figure out what some of the rigs I made were called based on the file names. WTF? It's like there's no consistent file naming convention and the rig preset name isn't always in the file name... some files start with the date for some reason... others do not. I'm pretty flummoxed, but it's only because of the giant pile of rigs I've accumulated in a small time. My fault totally. I shouldn't have put a single new profile on the KPA until I cleaned off the Factory ones I didn't like much.

    Anyway... I'm thinking for now I'm going to just do a super clean where I keep all but 20 profiles on the KPA and then prune those down, and add 20 more, repeat, repeat until I feel I have a good complement of what I need. As it is now it's just too damn much and they're just so many good ones!

  • To me The Rig/Profile management tool (librarian) should be the number one priority at the Kemper lab, The thing sounds fantastic. I can wait on other upgrades.
    I wish Kemper would give a official comment on whether one is in the works or not.
    Have they said anything one way other the other?