Balancing volume across stored rigs? Kemper Stage

  • Hello friends, I am finally starting to store a few rigs in performance mode with the Stage and one thing I notice (which maybe got you guys at first as well?) is that most amps have a different amount of volume from preset to preset.

    I guess the question is, as far as tips and tricks are concerned:
    * Is there a best practice to balance the the volume across all stored presets?
    * Is there some kind of a meter or visual built in or do we just "use our ears" and the Volume adjustment in the Amp Module?

    What do you guys do to even out the sounds?

    Thank you:)

  • Ok, thanks guys. Just making sure there wasn't some "top secret" pro way of dialing in levels with a meter or what not. So in essence the Rig volume is the best choice above using the Amp Volume or is that an incorrect assumption?

  • Ok, thanks guys. Just making sure there wasn't some "top secret" pro way of dialing in levels with a meter or what not. So in essence the Rig volume is the best choice above using the Amp Volume or is that an incorrect assumption?

    Amp volume affects any post amp gain sensitive FX. For example if you have a compressor after the Stack changing Amp volume will affect this amount of compression. Using Rig volume won’t have any effect on the compressor. You will probably have similar experiences if you have an OD or Boost pedal after the stack. Whereas Rig volume doesn’t have this effect.

    Other FX like Modulation Delay and Reverb are not affected by Amp volume though.

    In most cases I would use Rig Volume but it just depends on what you are trying to achieve.

  • I got the info from Kemper a half a year ago that Rig volume and Amp volume is just the same.

    Could someone confirm or deny this?


    I can deny it as I have tested it. As I said above, they are the same UNLESS a volume sensitive FX such as compression or OD is placed after the Stack. Put a compressor in Slot X and try it.

  • Amp volume affects any post amp gain sensitive FX. For example if you have a compressor after the Stack changing Amp volume will affect this amount of compression. Using Rig volume won’t have any effect on the compressor. You will probably have similar experiences if you have an OD or Boost pedal after the stack. Whereas Rig volume doesn’t have this effect.

    Other FX like Modulation Delay and Reverb are not affected by Amp volume though.

    In most cases I would use Rig Volume but it just depends on what you are trying to achieve.

    Thank you, that is valuable information. That makes sense, after raising the amp volume I noticed a considerable difference between 2 stored performances. Will need to experiment some more.