Rig Switching Latency

  • Hi there,

    I use my Kemper Amp live and the only problem I have is that when I change rigs with my midi footswitch there is a split second dip in volume. This is a problem with all things digital, Axe FX, line 6 etc. If the Kemper would be the first to solve this problem it would sway a lot of people towards using it in a live setting. The dip in volume is virtually unnoticeable from front house, but for those of us who use in-ears it is very apparent.

  • I have the same issue. First I thought that it was due somehow to a monitor out issue and I have perform a KPA reset. Fine after that but yesterday again while switching rigs with a PeaK FCB8N the same problem happen again. X(

    I have find out that in is due to the reverb block. If I switch from a nice clean sound with delay and reverb to a crunchy sound also with delay and reverb there is a kind a volume swell on the crunchy sound. If I remove the reverb from the crunchy sound the small decay is gone. ?(8|

    I have never notice this on previous firware but it might be due to one of the reverb parameters or spill-over feature. I will look at this today.

    Any ideas guys on how t resolve this?

  • It is not my IEM's. I used amps before this with my in ears without problem. It's just a problem with digital amps. The other guitar player in my band returned his Ax Fx because it was driving him so nuts.(he has a lot more parts with FX then I do) I love the kemper and I won't be giving it up because of this, but a solution for this would be awesome.

  • As mentioned previously, perhaps this is related to the Delay effect. I'm not currently using a MIDI controller, but I have noticed that when I switch to Tuner mode (with muting on) that the sound continues even after muting when there is delay being used.

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