Moving Looper to end of chain?

  • system settings -> looper location, select output

    By setting the Looper Location switch in the respective System Settings page, you can choose the position of the Looper in the signal flow.

     Looper Location Input

    The Looper is placed right after the instrument input. It records the pure guitar signal and plays it back before the effect modules. When you change Rigs during the playback of the loop, you'll hear the playback processed by the different Rigs. However, when you perform overdubs, then all overdubs will be run through the same Rig, as if multiple guitars were played through the same amp at the same time.

     Looper Location Output

    The Looper is placed right after the last effect - the REV module. It records the fully processed stereo signal. When you change Rigs during the playback of the loop, the playback sound will not change! This allows you to play along, or even overdub, with an unlimited number of different Rigs.

    ✓Consequently, while Looper Location is set to “Output” the playback is inserted after the REV module and can only be monitored on those outputs that have their respective output source set to “Master....”.