How to find out about open support tickets?

  • I filed a ticket yesterday (2x actually) about this issue with the clock reset on a brand-new unit. I've not received any sort of confirmation that the ticket was submitted, outside the pop-up on the website that said it was; and so far I can't see anything in my account about viewing support tickets, so at the moment I have no idea whatsoever that anyone will even respond.

    Should one receive an email confirmation when filing a support ticket? Is there a way to view open tickets, or at least confirm they are in the system? I'm getting the feeling that I'm shouting into a black hole, and TBH it's souring me on keeping the product at all.

  • ...And I just got a response, so at least I know the ticket went through. That's something.

    I understand that support gets busy, especially around issues like mine, and I appreciate the reply. I'd like to respectfully suggest that you guys talk to your web designer or service desk software provider about setting up an automatic email confirmation for support tickets. That should be fairly straightforward to set up, and I'd have felt more patient about waiting if I knew the issue was actually submitted - I honestly wasn't sure that it had been, and not being able to find any evidence of an open case raised my anxiety level about getting things solved.

    Ideally I'd like to be able to log into my account and see my ticket status - but at least knowing that it is in process would help.

  • deally I'd like to be able to log into my account and see my ticket status

    yes, that would be nice. Even better, if Kemper had a page with all opened and unsolved tickets which they themselves declare as error or problem to solve. Then, with each release, Kemper could also declare which tickets became resolve. As it is, the whole process is rather intransparent.

    As a software developer, I know that Github projects work completely different. Ok. After all, Kemper is not Open Source.

  • yes, that would be nice. Even better, if Kemper had a page with all opened and unsolved tickets which they themselves declare as error or problem to solve. Then, with each release, Kemper could also declare which tickets became resolve. As it is, the whole process is rather intransparent.

    As a software developer, I know that Github projects work completely different. Ok. After all, Kemper is not Open Source.

    An issues list would be nice, yeah. I know some companies (like ones I deal with daily) struggle with that. They often say they don't want to give ammunition to the competition, but they fail to realize that a lack of transparency can also look like they have something to hide.

    I'm not saying that's the case here at all, and I'm sure Kemper has their hands pretty full right now - but generally speaking, it is actually a positive to be upfront about issues. If you're working on fixing something then let your customers know what's up, and most of the time it will build a better trust relationship (there's always someone who's going to bitch about things no matter what, but I find most people are forgiving when you're trying your best).

    I will say that I'm otherwise satisfied with the follow up at this point, and I'm looking forward to getting things settled. :thumbup: