Did some monitoring comparaison today

  • With some friends we hooked up the KPA to two RCF 310A and also to the mesa power amp I used on the CAE profiles ..modded with Mercury OT's,bias pot and SED 6L's into two Suhr 1x12 with V30's (cab sim off)..Honestly it doesn't even compare..it is so much better with those FRFR that I do not see why one would bother using something else ..The sound was better, the feel was better AND it had more of that kick in the but feel ..the amount of bass punch those small RCF have is scary ..we also tested a JMP1+ G Force while we were at it..to go back to something widely used and familiar ...sounded like a Joke.
    For those who can afford and lift something like RCF NX12SMA that are even better I really do not see how you could get something better with any amp and regular cabs with guitar speakers
    I have a background of using and building extremely complex and expensive rigs for others... I have rarely been so impressed


  • IMHO those 310A are a total deal for the price..but whatever RCF you get be sure it's all neodyme..it's much better..Almost all series have been replaced with a new one equiped with conventional high drivers..it sounds harsher and is heavier..but costs 5 times less..so there's nothing better in there ..310A MKII are the ones to get ..no need for the 312A
    410A MKII do not sound as good..may be the 410MK1 with neodyme if you can find them..the current NX12 is still all neodyme so I would jump on it if I had the cash..and no broken back

  • I use regularly the NX 12sma....the 310 are good, but take your meds before to switch to the NX.... The 2 modes are more then stellar... :D

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff