Upgrade Cab IR Section to allow adjustable mics and positions

  • It would be great to see the cabinet section upgraded.

    It’s quite common for emulations to offer the ability to sweep through IR’s as you move a microphone position. Likewise, it would be great to be able to maintain the same mic position and switch microphones. IR’s lend themselves to do this easily and it’s such an advantage to dial in a tone by sweeping a mic around.

    I’ve recently made a huge IR library capturing cabinets across each speaker fully left to right. At the moment they are numbered corresponding to position - it works quite well but it’s a little clunky, having the software support it would be far more elegant.

    It’s not just Neural offering this, STL, Amplitube, GGD and many others have this feature.

  • Personally i would be already happy if i could blend two irs

  • Unless I'm missing something, Kemper's approach is entirely different from those you mention. I don't disagree that these features would be nice, but they're way outside Kemper's wheelhouse or focus.

    Neural, STL, GGD, Amplitube all come at this from a plug-in perspective. Software built to digitally emulate each piece in the chain and run in someone else's DAW. They almost always run on someone else's hardware. Even Neural's Quad Cortex relies heavily on existing plugin technology.

    Kemper's approach and focus couldn't be a lot farther from this. The Kone is one way to get away from the microphone. Zero application in the studio, of course. But Kemper doesn't digitally 'emulate' a microphone/speaker etc. It...well.....profiles.....what's already there.

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    Edited once, last by Ruefus (July 7, 2021 at 3:14 PM).