( it is bug actually but i solved ) Amplifier Browse Settings From Preset Not Working

  • I don't know exactly when this problem occurred, but when I enter the Browse settings in the amplifier section, "From Rigs" works, but when I press the "Presets" tab, the preset amp models registered in the profiler do not appear, even when I press the preset soft button, nothing happens.


    Go to Amplifier Section with button and click Page button to next page, when you are seeing Position: Pre / Post option on left top corner stop clicking next Page button. In this page turn Browse Knobe for Amplifier List with from Preset or from Rig. If in this page you are click Preset button, amplifier list will not show. Button doing Position Pre / Post Eq. But if you turn back to first page in Amplifier Section with Page button. First page working well for Listing Presets Amplifier

    Edited once, last by Qfever (June 19, 2021 at 1:21 PM).

  • When I press the preset button and check it on the rig manager, the button changes the Amplifier EQ Position Pre - Post selection. The soft button above the preset text works as if the Amplifier never entered the browse section, and as if I was in the first interface of the Amplifier section.

  • it is bug actually.

    Go to Amplifier Section with button and click Page button to next page, when you are seeing Position: Pre / Post option on left top corner stop clicking next Page button. In this page turn Browse Knobe for Amplifier List with from Preset or from Rig. If in this page you are click Preset button, amplifier list will not show. Button doing Position Pre / Post Eq. But if you turn back to first page in Amplifier Section with Page button. First page working well for Listing Presets Amplifier

    Edited once, last by Qfever (June 19, 2021 at 2:32 PM).

  • There seems to be a conflict between the "Preset" option and the Position: Pre/Post selection on page 4 of the amp module. I'll report to Engineering. In the meantime just chose "Preset" on one of the other three amp pages.