How many of us haven't profiled or downloaded a user profile?

  • So, I'm up to "TLS 60 Crunch" in the included rigs. I go though a couple each day, sometimes hitting on something so good I leave it and just play and play, other times finding something that I know would be awesome with a little tweak here and there and some reverb or a screamer in front of it.

    My point is, this thing is a giant treasure trove of tonal possibilities! I almost can't imagine downloading any from the Rig and Profile exchange or needing to do some profiling on my own. (I don't currently own a real amp.) OK, I will admit that I did download a few bass amp profiles as the KPA didn't come with any, and the TC ones are very good for my taste. Anyway, I was just on the Amp Factory website and while they all sound good to me as well, I had a hard time thinking I'd part with $125 USD when I already seemed to have a crazy pile of amps that I'm already finding to be almost a burden to go though! I'm almost having a hard time thinking I'd even exhaust or even feel the need to go to the Exchange. Am I alone on this?

  • I haven't felt the need to profile an amp on my own, and I sold off the couple I had after using the Kemper a while.

    As far as the Amp Factory, I got the AC30 pack because I wanted a "reference" profile of this great amp and I figured for 4.99 euros I couldn't go wrong. I'm glad to say it was money well spent.

    Regarding the Profile Exchange, I'll quote George Mallory when he was asked why he wanted to climb Mount Everest:

    "Because it's there"

    I'm finding after the initial "kid in a candy store" period of having so many really great amp profiles built into the Kemper out of the box and the overwhelming volume of great profiles on the Exchange, I'm settling into a dozen or so that I use regularly.

  • I've downloaded just about every rig on the profile exchange. it's now part of my morning ritual. It's like getting a new amp every day!

    I'm very picky about the profiles I keep though. I delete most of them. but I've found some real gems. I particularily like some of the odd ball ones, like the fender pawn shop amps that were posted a bit ago. they have a very unique tone.

    Anyway, you can do a lot without ever downloading 1 profile. It's just too exciting for me. I'm in heaven!
    i'm using short sentences because i'm really tired


  • Nothing against the stock profiles, but between the User ones you have some outstanding/goose bump ones. You're really missing something without them....

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Nothing against the stock profiles, but between the User ones you have some outstanding/goose bump ones. You're really missing something without them....

    That's exactely how I feel about it. Though stock profiles are pretty good for what they are, many of them have the amp paired with a cab I wouldn't have choosen. Or the cabs are mic'd with a microphone I don't prefer or the amp is just tweaked differently than I would have done it with an amp of a certain style. It's just a matter of taste and many stock profiles match the taste of different people than me. I remember when I read the factory amp and cab list - while researching the Kemper before I bought it - there were quite some amps missing that I'd like to use for my purposes and I also remember there was no Marshall cab with greenbacks at. Only V30s or G75Ts and I utterly hate those speakers ;) So I had to go through rig exchange right after I unpacked the KPA. Just to find that a great vintage greenback cab was available in the Rig Pack of Kemper after I installed the latest firmwar ;)

    But Pete's recent Marshall '70 100 Watt profiles are something that just wasn't available in the KPA before. And I love to have more variation of a theme.

    I can't imaging myself not checking the rig exchange daily ;)

  • I think it really depends on your taste. I started with the stock profiles and I still go back to them. Today I switched between a lot of profiles and there were few user profiles where I stopped and played a while.
    I think the stock once are kind of typical. It's the sounds that many "everydayguitarists" are using. But there are of course many players who want special sounds and they are not covered by the stock profiles.

    To me it's just a gigantic library of profiles an if I'm looking for a specific classic guitar sound the stock profiles are a very good point to start. :)

  • Nothing against the stock profiles, but between the User ones you have some outstanding/goose bump ones. You're really missing something without them....

    Yeah, I'm sure you're right even though the included profiles are some real gems. After I wrote my initial post I played for a while and got to the bitter end of the rigs. OK, it wasn't bitter... it was actually pretty sweet... Some amp that started with a V... very sweet and lush sounding. I wonder, is every amp/cab that comes with the Kemper used in the rigs? The effects sure aren't. I discovered the lp and hp filters and I'm in love! Much fun could be had with those if you put them after the cab. ...but I digress.

    Anyway, after I ran out of rigs I took the time to see how every amp in my HD500 sounded as a distortion box in the effects loop. Not all worked well, but some were great. All needed a bunch of tweaking though, mostly getting rid of too much high frequency fizz. It really is like getting 22 cool fuzzboxes.

    So if I have the time on Saturday maybe I'll dig into the user section. I too look forward to finding oddball stuff. I love using Speakerphone instead of included cabs. There are some really awesome sounds to be had. Is anyone profiling weird non-guitar stuff like antique tube radios or toys? I think there's a lot of potential in non traditional types of amps.

    One thing that bothers me about the Kemper is that with all that screen resolution amp brands are still abbreviated. Do you know how long it took me to realize that "Mars" was short for "Marshall?!" :pinch: I'm not even quite sure what I have... Pancake? What is it? ?(

  • I can't imaging myself not checking the rig exchange daily ;)

    Yeah the real gems are in the user stuff but for newer owners its gonna be a pain searching for them amongst so many others.

    I think the way to do it is to probably try only a few at a time as to not become overwhelmed. I wish there was a PC/Mac editor that would automatically download all new profiles/rigs and allow you to sort them by date added. You could then audition them quickly and decide what ones you wanted to transfer to your KPA.

  • yeah, I'm completely floored there isn't a better way to browse, organize, and manage profiles on the kemper, on your computer, and on this website.

    I have to imagine their working on it - it should be their top priority considering most people have requested their nuts off for this feature

  • yeah, I'm completely floored there isn't a better way to browse, organize, and manage profiles on the kemper, on your computer, and on this website.

    I have to imagine their working on it - it should be their top priority considering most people have requested their nuts off for this feature

    Yeah, that is weird that we can't even sort by amp profile. I'm sure I'll get to a point where I find my favorite 50 or so rigs and that'll be that, but it sure would be nice if they had a Line6-like computer editor for the KPA that let you pass profiles back and forth between your computer and the KPA.