Tips & Tricks for the KPA (wiKPA) - For those who want to get to know their KPA far above what's in the manuals :)

  • Hi all,

    I thought this thread needed some reworking.

    My email box here is getting full of pms from people who request the wiKPA but apparently don't read this thread.
    Unfortunately, I've still to find a better way for communicating, apart from writing to each one individually.

    I've changed the thread's title hoping to attract someone else's attention.
    For those who read this, please be aware that I'll be posting any news here, and upgrade the OP accordingly if/when needed.

    Members currently in the queue for joining the wiKPAList will be inscribed within a cople of week, when I'm back home, and should then receive the last edition in minutes.

    An up-to-date version of the document will be sent to the list members ASA I've the time to go through the last month of posts, filter the valuable information, format it and update the wiKPA.


  • Hi all :)

    Just back from my holidays X)

    I've just opened a new Dropbox dedicated to the wiKPA file. A further step towards implementing a real, online wiki!
    This will make the wiKPA available to everyone w/o the need for joining a list, and me distributing the file every time it's been updated.
    The wiKPAList has become 130+ members as of today, and growing: things were starting being uncomfortable to manage for me.

    From now on, the document will be freely available via a Dropbox address, and the only thing I will have to do will be posting a new URL when a newer version is published.
    Please refer to the OP for downloading the last available version of the file.

    Excuse me if I don't individually contact all the people who have asked to join the wiKPAList during the last two months, hope they will read this thread and/or will be properly addressed by other forum members. The current wiKPAList members will be notified via email tho.

    A new version of the wiKPA is to be expected w/i about ten days. From now on, this thread will be the only way notifications will be given :)

    As usual, don't hesitate to contact me for any opinions or suggestions!

    Edited once, last by viabcroce (September 12, 2012 at 2:31 AM).

  • ... much more people have downloaded the file than the subscribers of the old wiKPAList (which, BTW, has been deleted: our secrets will die with us! :p)
    Could it mean that we people are generally lazy, or might there be a form of uncertainty about own privacy?

    And, great news seem to appear on the horizon: if I succeed in realizing a partnership with a forum member here, who looks particularly interested in writing books... well, the wiKPA could soon become something more systematic and... of weight :thumbup:

  • So, when are you gonna buy one? :whistling:

    Sorry for the delay Zappledan :)

    Well, I'm waiting to see all the flaws fixed. I absolutely love the concept (otherwise I'd not be here using my time for a wiki), but among software errors and hardware issues (see LEDs for example) I do not still feel secure about buying one. Kemper have to find more implementation stability and a greater production consistency IMO. I also want to see how the Performance mode ends up being, and how the pedalboard couples with the KPA. Uh, and a librarian.

    I have to confess, I'm not the kind of the early adopter. I like mature products!
    OTOH, the KPA is probably the most amazing thing I've seen in music after MIDI ... so my faith is still untouched by these growth issues :D

  • Agreed. My enthusiasm isn't dulled by the few issues remaining. However, I did buy a second KPA just in case something happens to one - so I don't have to do without! :whistling:

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Drop me a PM next time you're in Freiburg and I 'll let you play with my one. Bet you're not going to wait any longer... :D

    ... vecchia volpe! :thumbup:
    At this point we all know what's "boiling in the pot" [LOL ... how I love to translate idiomatic expression by the letter!]

    Be sure you'll be the first second one to know I'm coming to Freiburg ;)

    Agreed. My enthusiasm isn't dulled by the few issues remaining. However, I did buy a second KPA just in case something happens to one - so I don't have to do without! :whistling:

    ... nor is mine! I just don't like to buy things that still need fixing :)
    And, I also prefer to see how the pedalboard and the librarian come up. Uh, and I'd love the rack vaporware to condense a bit before choosing ;)


    However, I did
    buy a second KPA just in case something happens to one - so I don't have
    to do without! :whistling:


    You see, I'm not a professional player, and such investments are no justified in my life! I work with musicians much more than I actually play music LOL


    You see, I'm not a professional player, and such investments are no justified in my life! I work with musicians much more than I actually play music LOL

    I'm not a professional player either, but I've missed precious few days playing since I bought the KPA. If I had to be without it for a while I'd go nuts. :wacko:

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • :thumbup:

    Don't take me wrong, I love playing and spend playing most of my free time. I own 4 guitars, 3 amps, a 2x12 cab, a couple of digital processors... Not to mention studio gear (keyboards, synth modules, digital recorders, MIDI and audio patches, channel strips, mixers, mics, studio monitors...).
    I spent 5500+ € for my last guitar+amp purchase. I will not put another 3 grands over a couple of KPAs :whistling: One will be more than sufficient, and it shall work the way I want.
    If you will, it's a bit like Will Chen's notorious Boobs Speech: I've seen enough of them, do not feel the urge to have a new pair around as long as they're not carrying some extraordinary meaning, or value :D Along the same metaphor, I'm aware that love is not to be sought in the boobs, but rather in the heart, if this makes sense :)

  • Mhhh... still fighting some minor annoyances in the wiKPA...

    Is any of you guys not experiencing the white background for the bullets in the bullet lists? I'm trying to determine whether it's a Word issue, or a pdf reader's instead. Any feedback would be of help :)