Rig Manager 3.155 loses Communication with Profiler Head

  • Just installed Beta Rig Manager

    No communication with Profiler Head. Nothing at all.

    (Restarted RM, Profiler, Changed USB lead, Changed Port: No improvement)

    Uninstalled and reverted to 3.0.145

    All back to normal after a Sync (same lead, USB hub port, etc that I always use)

    Profiler is running (which seems to be most current SW version)

    Computer Gigabyte Aero i9, Windows 10Pro

    Just thought I'd report this, in case anyone else is having the same issue

  • For those PC users who face issues with updating to the current beta, please perform the following steps. Those will remove Rig Manager from your computer and install a new version:

    - Open Windows Settings -> Apps & Features

    - Find "Rig Manager" and press "Remove". If there is more than one entry for Rig Manager, remove them all.

    - Make sure you have removed every single entry (this is important!)

    - In Explorer, delete the folder "Rig Manager" which can be found in C:\Program Files\Kemper Amps

    - Please download and install the latest Rig Manager update and update to the beta version again.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here