Newbie Help Needed - Using Power Amp and my reverb and delay don't seem to be working now.. Ideas?

  • Hello Folks,

    I'm new to the Kemper world.. Hello all! So my title kind of explains what is happening. I don't really care for FRFR sound in the room, so I purchased an older QSC RMX 850 stereo power amp. My first hour it was sounding terrible, but then I found that there was a clipping and low filter switch turned on the power amp and that was really killing my sound. So after I get past that sound dilemma the Kemper sound pretty sweet running through my Friedman 2X12 with V30s.. I can even run it without output high and low filters and it sounds pretty good (I didn't expect that).

    Anyway, It seems that my reverbs and delays don't work anymore.

    Here is how i have everything setup: Guitar ==> Kemper input.. then.... Kemper monitor out ==> channel One of the power amp ==> into speaker cab. Within master output section I set Cab to always be off. I set my monitor and master to be mono.

    Why are my delays and reverbs not working anymore.. it has to be something simple.

    Thanks folks, Ralph

    PS: Moderators.. if I posted in the wrong section please feel free to move this thread to the appropriate one. Thanks

  • Hi, rshred1.

    Welcome, and congratulations on getting your Kemper Profiler. What model did you get?

    If you are not hearing reverbs and delays, you have probably set the Output Source to STACK.

    Check your OUTPUT settings. Page 1/1

    Main Output should be set to Master Mono.

    Monitor Output should be set to Master Mono.

    Does that help?

    Here are some resources for you in case you haven't found them.

    ? Kemper Main Manual 7.5 English ?

    ? Kemper Manual 8.0 Addendum ?

    ? Rig Manager Download and Documentation ??

    ? Kemper Tutorials & Demos (videos) ?

    ? Before you buy Commercial Rigs and Profiles check out the Rig Manager for Rig Packs and Rig Exchange

    Kemper Profiling Amplifier (unpowered) [2014], Remote [2016], Stage [2020], PowerRack, Remote & Kab[2021]
    Twitter | LinkedIn | My Blog | My Kemper Notes

    Edited once, last by ST (February 6, 2021 at 5:25 AM).

  • Hello ST.

    Right after I posted that; I did a search (probably should have done that first)...

    My master and monitor were set to mod mono.. I set them both to master mono. All works now... I knew it was something stupid on my part.

    I took a big chance and traded my beloved Friedman Smallbox for a normal non-powered toaster. The guy also gave me a Headrush FR 112 and a set of JBL 305 mk iis. Plus he had a bunch of Mbrit and some TJ profile packs, so that was a bonus. He probably got the best part of the deal, but I just don't play loud anymore so I wanted to have something that if I wanted to play quietly I could and still get the full on master up on the amp.. so the Kemper seemed like a good option. Like I said, I have played around before with FRFR monitors and have never liked the mic'd cab sound for just noodling. Using it with the power amp into a guitar cab seems to be the right way to go for me. I've only played with the Kemper for maybe 3 separate times now, but I've learned a ton already. And I've found that for me the Kemper seems way easier to tweak and get good sounds out of versus my experience using a Helix in the past (what a pain to mess with all the parameters and speaker cab crap)..

    Thanks again for the quick response.


  • You can push Kemper profiles to beyond a "mic'd cab" sound with studio monitors and a sub. I have JBL 306's with the 10'' sub. I set the crossover on the sub to "thump" mode, and wah lah, amp in room territory. When I want to record I just cut the sub's crossover. I also have the Kabinet but really started liking the sub for practice.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.