Diezel VH4 profiles (some up, more coming)

  • hi!

    so after i finally managed to register my kemper to my new account, i'm now apparently finally able to post here in the private forum. yay!

    anyway, i've uploaded some profiles of my Diezel VH4 (ch3) using a grossmann 1x12 isocab loaded with a v30 close mic'd with a SM57 and a E906.

    here are the rig-exchange links:

    since i only have the grossmann iso cab to make profiles at home, i'm planning on doing a large profiling session at my bands rehearsal room with more cabs next week: Orange 4x12, Diezel RL 4x12, Zilla 2x12 Fatboy

    so expect more profile's soon! i'll also be profiling these amps: 5150ii, Soldano HotRod50 (depth mod), self built SLO100 clone

    At the moment i have a SM57 and a E906, so that's pretty much all the gear i've will be using

    why am i posting this? i'm still new to profiling with the kemper and would like to hear your feedback and suggestions for creating profiles. also feel free to request specific amp settings and/or mic'ing, since i plan on doing a bunch of profiles anyway ;)

    i've also noticed that the refining process is quite crucial with the VH4 and can significantly alter the outcome. so far i've alternating between chugging palm muted chords by digging into the strings hard as well as playing chords using open strings. i've found this to work better in capturing the amp's bass response in contrast to "strumming chords for 20 seconds" as suggested in the manual. i still hear and feel differences in response to pick attack while profiling my VH4 and can't get closer. any advice here? my SLO clone profiled pretty much perfect :)


  • You can try to tweak it closer after profiling using the Pick, Clarity and Definition parameters in the amp section. Worth a try, IMHO.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • You can try to tweak it closer after profiling using the Pick, Clarity and Definition parameters in the amp section. Worth a try, IMHO.

    yeah, i've been doing that. it works really well, actually. it definitely is key to letting the profile's 'amp' character come out. generally i don't try to replicate the profiled amp for the sake of it with these tweaks, but just let my ears guide me. i love how the KPA has reduced everything you need to tweak a tone to your liking to just a few knobs :thumbup:

    kojak can i be the first on this forum to say "Who loves ya baby"thanks very much,will try your profiles later,should be good :thumbup:

    haha, thx :)

  • Wow, these Profiles are KILLER!...thanks Kojak.

    The Diezal VH4 E906 is just perfect, I'm using the Dirk Gooding Mesa Boogie Roadking cab.

    Damnit Lance, I'm getting rig fatigue from auditioning so many rigs. Did you have give this one such a good review?!?!?!?!

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer