Software-only version

  • Has anyone brought this up yet? I've been wondering about a VST/AU or standalone software version of the KPA for people who only do recording. A decent spec Laptop would provide all the necessary grunt and you would have a lot more screen space for control and config. It could work with either people's own audio interfaces or Kemper could even release an I/O unit of their own

    I would envisage two versions, a full version which can do profiling and an SE version which only loads profiles that you provide for it (kind of KPR Player) This would come at substantial cost saving and through an upgrade path could hook people into the whole nine yards

    Kemper KPR Player >>> Full KPA Software >>> KPA Complete


  • It has already been discussed.
    Think that almost any VST/AU has been cracked, and giving one of the core feature (profile player) to a VST could drop the sales and make us Kemper pioneers very upset :cursing:
    I'd prefere that i could use the KPA as master/slave thru digital in/out plus a midi editor.

  • It has already been discussed.
    Think that almost any VST/AU has been cracked, and giving one of the core feature (profile player) to a VST could drop the sales and make us Kemper pioneers very upset :cursing:
    I'd prefere that i could use the KPA as master/slave thru digital in/out plus a midi editor.


    And add to that the fact that in most DAWs you can define a piece of hardware as an "external VST plug" you can integrate that pretty well into a sequenzer already. I use that in Cubase all the time to reamp my sample bass tracks ;)

    Having used most of the VST-moddelers over the years I can honestly say they do give more of an hassle than anything else. The real good modellers - like Guitar Rig running at HQ-mode - would munch so much CPU time you haven't room for other plugins.

    It's really refreshing to use the Kemper as an external soundsource and don't have to worry about CPU ressources and ASIO overloads ;)

  • It has already been discussed.
    Think that almost any VST/AU has been cracked, and giving one of the core feature (profile player) to a VST could drop the sales and make us Kemper pioneers very upset :cursing:
    I'd prefere that i could use the KPA as master/slave thru digital in/out plus a midi editor.

    None of the new ilok 2 Eden stuff has been cracked nor any Syncrosoft stuff in years.

    I think it would be cool as hell with a vst plugin but not likely to happen. Though there is a precedent with it for Kemper with the Virus Powercore vst which I have and is awesome.

    Another option for protection would be like Line 6 does with Pod Farm, which can use the Pod hardware as a "dongle" via USB. The KPA does have a usb port. :)

  • Of course, it would be a business decision for Kemper on whether it would open new markets or shrink the current one

    I don't know how much CPU cycles would be needed, but just because some, like Guitar Rig, are resource hoggers, it doesn't follow that others have to be. Many apps do get cracked, but there is also high value software about that has escaped this end - a good protection might be a Kemper interface, without which the software won't run. Anyway, just an exploration of the idea...

    OK, seen the other thread now
    KPA desktop version & plugin

    Don't panic Mr Mainwaring, don't panic!

    (Btw - routing out to the KPA for VST-like operation is a great idea)

    Edited 2 times, last by marco (June 19, 2012 at 4:54 PM).