Kemper volume and rig levels?

  • I have my Kemper and DAW setup to record at DAW levels from -12 to -6db. My MOTU M4 gain knobs are at 25%. My Kemper rig volumes are at 6.0+db and master volume is at (-)12.0db.

    Shouldn't the master volume kind of start at Zero db and you increase it for optimal sound? Like +3 or 4db? With my current levels (above) I have the headphones almost too loud to listen to (although the rigs sound fantastic at that level), and I have my studio monitors at a perfect 80db practicing level. If I move the master volume from negative db towards zero then the police come to my house.

    Do I have something set up wrong, or is this normal? I have input senses at Zero.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • I could be wrong but I think the Rig Volume is +/-12db from unit gain so 0db is your basic starting point. However, the output menu represents dBFS which run up to a maximum of 0dB. Anything above 0dB is clipping.

    I VERY rarely ever turn the Rig volume up from 0.0db. More often I would tend to reduce rigs that are too loud instead.