Sharing a performances

  • Is there any way to easily transfer performances from one KPA to another? It seems that any easy way to move performances around is something Kemper just doesn't want to hear.

    Performances are so handy, but if I have to jump through hoops with Rig Manager every time I want to use a familiar performance in another unit, it defeats the purpose of having more than one KPA...and makes it hard to use backline units at a venue....Anybody home at Kemper in this dept???

  • Hi, halfachop,

    I have a Kemper Profiler (unpowered toaster) and a Kemper Stage. Each of these is attached to its own laptop. The laptops are on a shared network.

    When I want to share a Performance, I

    1. Use Rig Manager to export the Performance to a shared network drive.
    2. On the second laptop using Rig Manager, I drag the Performance from the shared network drive to the other Profiler.

    This takes under a minute excluding the time to run from one laptop to the other. I use Windows 10, so I can use Remote Desktop to control both instances of Rig Manager from one laptop. No running involved.

    The other way you could do it - with one computer is:

    1. Connect the computer to the first Kemper.
    2. Use Rig Manager to store the Performance you want to share to the Local Library.
    3. Shut down Rig Manager.
    4. Connect the computer to the other Kemper.
    5. Use Rig Manager to Load into editor and preview the performance from the Local Library to the Profiler.
    6. Save the Performance

    Or see: How to export profile to usb to take to other kpa (Spoiler alert - you can't, but there's a good discussion about other ways to do it)

    Kemper Profiling Amplifier (unpowered) [2014], Remote [2016], Stage [2020], PowerRack, Remote & Kab[2021]
    Twitter | LinkedIn | My Blog | My Kemper Notes

    Edited 4 times, last by ST (January 15, 2021 at 3:37 AM).