Imported Performance then it corrupts when I move it to Performance area -Help

  • My buddy shared a performance/profile and it drops into the bottom section of the Rig manager then when i copy and paste or hit the bottom right red button that says

    'Save to performance # 10' or where ever is designated. The Performance saves there but when I go into that area to sample it there is a very bomey, oscillating feedback type of tone happening. The profile sounds fine where I put it originally but I need it in the Performance area to use live..

    We thought it could be needing to update to .145 (the version he set his profile up in) but I did that last night and it did the same thing. Ideas?

    Also my Rig manager needs to be re-launched any time it sits idle for 15" -is that normal?

  • First of all .. no this is not normal..

    some additional questions.

    1. How do you import the performance? (Drag and Drop or File-> Import Performance CTRL I)

    2. Do you first import the performance into the local library?

    3. First you should check that the rigs work in the individual slots. To do this, set the Kemper in Browse Mode on Rigmanger select All Performance / Local Library and double-click on each slot. The slot is then loaded into the Kemper in browse mode and you can test it.

    If you copy the performance from All Performances / Local Library to the All Performances / MyKemper, the Kemper has to be in Performance Mode. You can open a 2nd window by Ctrl+N.

    If the performance is corrupt, you can drag and drop the performance slots into the local library (All Rigs / Local Library) using drag and drop.

    For this I would create a subdirectory under All Rigs / Local Library.

    Then click on the Imported Performance under All Performances / Local Library and drag and drop the slot number on the right-hand side onto the subdirectory.

    Then you can put together a new performance with this rigs.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • 1) Yes drag n drop

    2) Yes -that's the one at the very bottom correct? sorry I'm at work

    3) Ok, why such a cumbersome process but ok, I'll try it, thank you for the detailed response!

    I will let you know!

    Additional info, I reloaded it. Had my buddy re e-mail it multiple times and the same thing happened.

  • 1) Yes drag n drop

    2) Yes -that's the one at the very bottom correct? sorry I'm at work

    3) Ok, why such a cumbersome process but ok, I'll try it, thank you for the detailed response!

    I will let you know!

    Additional info, I reloaded it. Had my buddy re e-mail it multiple times and the same thing happened.

    2) Don't use the red Button's on the button. This is for saving what you have been changed in the editor buffer.
    Import the Performance by drag and drop or select All Performances / Local Library (left hand side) and use menu File Import Performance or Ctrl-I.

    Be the force with you ;)

    Edited once, last by Yoda Guitar (December 16, 2020 at 9:26 AM).