How to get rid of this noise in my Kemper?

  • Hi everyone,

    several of my guitars produce a high pitched noise when I connect them to the Kemper.

    My Telecaster, my hollowbody and my ES-335 all produce this sound but some of my other guitars don't. Could of course be that most of my guitars lack shielding but it seems unlikely.

    Here is a sample of the sound I need to get rid off:

    Soundcloud Noise Problem

    In the sound example you can hear the high pitched noise and then I dial in the noise gate which kills it. But as soon as I play, the sound is clearly audible on top of all the other notes. It's impossible to record with this. Does the Kemper know a solution to this problem? Is there maybe a filter for this specific frequency?

  • That sounds like an electrical interference problem like from a TV, lamp, light, or appliance plugged in. I would start unplugging stuff in the area you are in and turn off lights one at a time to see if you find the source, and also try changing cables.

    The only problems I have with plastic pickguards is static noises when my fingernails run across the guard. I usually have to wipe it down with a static-cling dryer sheet. Works great but my guitar smells like potpourri for a while. ;)

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • That sounds like an electrical interference problem like from a TV, lamp, light, or appliance plugged in. I would start unplugging stuff in the area you are in and turn off lights one at a time to see if you find the source, and also try changing cables.

    I had the same thought once and unplugged everything. I even used a different power outlet. Of course it could be some machine like the water heater that I cannot unplug but I really hope it's something else. Also, why wouldn't it effect my Supro guitar as well? The recording is from a hollow body with dogear P90 but I get the same sound with my Epiphone Dot which has humbuckers and no plastic.

  • I just added a second sound example which maybe helps with the detective work. In this case you can hear how my guitar receives waves that change pitch.

    Guitar Problem 2

    Was that from the same guitar as example 1? The high pitch sounds the same from 1 to 2. Next step is to try a different cable with a different pair of headphones in a different location (like a friend's house a block away, etc). Then, if the sound is still there, you may have to contact support. I hope it is something simple.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Was that from the same guitar as example 1? The high pitch sounds the same from 1 to 2. Next step is to try a different cable with a different pair of headphones in a different location (like a friend's house a block away, etc). Then, if the sound is still there, you may have to contact support. I hope it is something simple.

    Yes, it's the same guitar. A hollowbody with P90.

    But I just recorded a sample with my Telecaster custom, too. Middle position with single coil and humbucker: Telecaster Sound Clip.

    I already tried a different cable and different headphones (you can hear it on the speaker too so it can't just be on the headphones anyway. You also wouldn't be able to hear it in the clips I recorded if you weren't using the same broken headphones.)

    Don't think contacting Kemper support helps since it's "some" of my guitars that produce that sound, maybe the house. I had just hoped that Kemper had an option to cut out that frequency since the profiler is generally really good with suppressing noise.

  • My guitar (with single coil pickup's )pick similiar sound from the USB keyboard . Try to move with guitar to localize possible source of this signal.


    I get the noise even with only the Kemper via headphones. Moved rooms already.

    Here's a new comparison where I play 4 different guitars. Wish the Kemper had a more complex EQ so I could get rid of the high frequency.

    4 Guitar comparison Kemper noise

    Sorry for being out of tune but I just grabbed them for this comparison. You can tell that all of them produce a noise (I turned the noise gate off completely) as long as I don't touch the strings. Then, when I touch the strings, the guitar gets grounded via me but some guitars still produce noise. The Hollowbody produces this high pitched noise somewhere around the 5000hz mark, I believe. The noisiest guitar is, however, the Telecaster and the Supro is quietest.

  • Have you found solution to this? This shit drives me crazy with Luke III single coils via Kemper Stage, other guitars are dead quiet