More Rig Manager Woes :(

  • Hi all

    So I am trying to finally get my head around creating Performances using Rig Manager. I have a simple song I am using as a learning experience to see if I can get this to work.

    One slot in my profiler performances (in Rig Manager). 3 Rigs in the performance slot.

    Find the 3 rigs I want. Copy them one at a time, paste them into the rig slots of the performance. All OK so far (a real clunky way to do things but hey-ho)

    So I have a Performance slot set up in My Profiler of Rig Manager, all good.

    Now I want to keep a copy of that Slot in Local Library, for safe keeping.

    I go to the 'Local Library' section of All Performances. Create a folder called 'Songs'. In the Folder create a New Performance (right click in the centre section). Again all OK so far.

    Back to the performance I just added to My Profiler. Right click, copy. Go to my newly added performance in Songs folder of local library. Right click, Paste.


    Import Has Failed

    Rig Manager didnt find any suitable files to import.


    I just created that performance in my profiler 2 minutes ago and it works fine. All I want is to make a local copy for security. Same if I try drag & drop instead of copy/paste.

    I have been reading manuals and posts for hours and it is hard to find much love for Rig Manager. Great hardware, shame about the software.

    So does anybody have any idea what is going wrong please?

    Thank you


  • Yes for sure. I even turned the profiler off and on again to make sure it was still there (thus saved)

    It just keeps getting better!!

    I though maybe the message meant the rig wasnt available for some reason (which it is, I can use it) so copied and pasted the rig into the performance again (copied over the top of existing slot in performance. And deep joy, Rig Manager crashes! And I only tried to copy over the top because there appears to be no way to actually remove the first rig in a performance slot.

    Seriously, Rig Manager is a crock.

    I have a L6 FX unit and the software for that is superb. Easy to use, bullet proof. Maybe Mr Kemper should sell the rights to his amazing box to L6, go live in Barbados off the proceeds and let L6 do a decent job of developing the software :)

    But thanks for your help

  • Just tried to do this following the steps you wrote and had no issue. Performance pasted in OK. I can only get that error message if I try to paste the performance into the Rigs section.

    so I don’t think RM is a crock as it seems to work fine for me/some/others. Might be some issue with your install maybe?

    -- Trig

  • I tend to leave Rig Manager running all the time on a Win 8.1 laptop. On my Win 7 laptop, older editions prior to v3 and the editor were fine with this.

    With v3.x, I find that RM (and maybe the editor) continue to work for browsing BUT if I want to add a new folder and import some rigs into that folder RM (copying and pasting from Windows Explorer), I just get a busy sign and the alterations to the RM database fail.

    I close and restart RM and repeat the operation then everything works. Seems like 24 hours running is too much. Connecting and reconnecting the KPA makes no difference. I reported this issue to support but they cannot replicate it apparently. Anyone else see this behaviour?

  • It sounds like a disk-access issue, such as when it goes to sleep and the app has to wait for spin-up.

    Could this be it?

    Interesting thought - I think the power scheme is pretty tilted to performance though. The main thing mitigating against this idea is that the directory I am copying from (in Win Explorer) is on the same system drive as the Kemper RM database so I am (successfully) accessing that drive to copy the files and then accessing it again a few seconds later with the attempt to paste a copy of the files into RM.

  • Yes, but when you're copying you're likely doing so from cached Rigs because they're already-loaded. I'm guessing that this is why the app takes a while to load - it's dependant on the library size and the time it takes to load it into RAM. When you come to paste, the app immediately tries to access and write to the drive.

    I'm not on Windows, but I experience this sort of thing all the time on Mac 'cause I have my drives sleep after a period of 10 minutes of inactivity. After the spin-up wait, things proceed as-normal, but as I said, it sounds in your case like the app's either having difficulty accessing the drive or finding the correct file path to write to.

    Would you be willing to try disabling any auto-sleep settings? If it makes no difference then you could turn them back on, so no loss.

  • Would you be willing to try disabling any auto-sleep settings? If it makes no difference then you could turn them back on, so no loss.

    The laptop is an i7 quadcore/16GB RAM desktop replacement job - and it stays plugged in. I just checked and the power scheme is "sleep -> never" when plugged in. As I recall, I used this same machine a lot for a month or two a couple of years back and on an off since with RM 2.x and never had any issues.