OS 1.0.9 Public Beta CC#27 Delay Mix

  • Hi to all,
    happy to get the new OS 1.0.9 Public Beta with some new features, but the CC#27 (Delay Mix) still doesn´t work.
    It´s impossible to preset the right delay level at home because the sound depends very much on the room you perform (eq. Church or little stage/room), so I just to adjust the Delay Mix with my old Rocktron Prophesy II in live situations via the floorboard. Very sad that the KPA still can´t give me that feature. CC#26 (Delay on/off) works, but for this kind of usage (mix the level by the footcontrol) it´s not helpful.
    Any ideas how to handle this problem? I thought about setting a extern delay unit in the loop and control it´s level via midi, but on the other hand I find it dumb to take an external delay because the KPA has one integrated. So I strongly hope that the CC#27 will work in nearest future.

    Play it like you mean it.

  • Any ideas how to handle this problem? I thought about setting a extern delay unit in the loop and control it´s level via midi, but on the other hand I find it dumb to take an external delay because the KPA has one integrated. So I strongly hope that the CC#27 will work in nearest future.

    I have expressed my wish for delay mix control numerous times.
    Also to to CK himself.
    I hope this feature will be implemented very soon. Until then let's continue to get on their nerves wishing for this.

  • It shouldn´t be a big thing for the developers and software engineers

    to adress the CC#27, it´s already done for a lot of other control numbers (e.q. CC#7 - Volume or CC#1 - Wah), maybe it just depends on that they have forgotten to integrate it to the software. Or isn´t that so easy? :?: Perhaps the developing teams do not recognize the importance of this kind of control for live use.

    Play it like you mean it.